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Hi again...it's me.

Favorite color.

How I met the Sidemen.
I was actually watching one of Vik's Minecraft stream and someone he was with (don't remember who) brought up a picture that he found on Twitter.

And so once I found this picture, I looked them up on YouTube and fell in love

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And so once I found this picture, I looked them up on YouTube and fell in love. Whenever this picture was retweeted by Vik is when I discovered them.

My POV of when we (owners of this account) met.
Well a few of them (Cal and Abby) kept voting for my stories on my personal account and commenting on them and stuff. And that soon led to DMing and they invited me to a group chat and here I am.

Where I live.
I am born and raised in Texas, USA.


Just turned 14 on April 3rd. I say "just turned" but it was over a month ago.

What I go by.
Kenzie by my friends mostly.

Hope you all have/ had a good day!

See ya! x -kenzieXIX

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