Ch 1: Home

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Where do I start? Um well me and my siblings, well we not blood related or so we think even though me and Francee had the same piecing green eyes. Weird, right? Anyways, me, Francee and Rider- who is 1 year older than us- are waiting for our forester sister, Shane(but I call her Sherry and in return she calls me Cherry cuz of my hair) to pick us up from school. We would normally walk home but people-kids more exact- are going miss which worries our forester parents and well not some much their niece or nephew that stays with them. They could care less really. "Where is she" asks Ethan inpatient. "I don't know" I wonder. "I don't care, she just needs to hurry the hell up" snaps Francee. Ethan nods as I shrug. We wait for another 5 mins when she finally pulls up in her Mustang. "Hey losers" she smiles, which I return. "Hey" we smile as we get in. Ethan in front-since he's the oldest out of the 3 of us and me and Francee in the back. "How was school" asks Sherry as we drive away from Prison opps sorry! School.

I shrug looking outside, I don't like school. Yay I have good grades, a great HQ, I'm smart but that don't help me at all. I get pushed around a lot then you may think. "It was okay, I got this girl's number" says Ethan real happy. "She! Ohhh Ethan got a lady friend" teases Shane as we pull up to a red light, Ethan looks away embarrassed. "Well today I got in a fight" says Francee coolly. She gets in fights a lot, usually for me since I'm bullied and sometimes, Ethan would join but when they got in trouble for helping or encouraging Francee's fights- I take the blame for them in a heartbeat. We would never get in trouble with our forester parents- apparently they known our father( another reason I think we are siblings) and say he do the same for his brother. "What for" asks Shane.
"Um something- nothing big" Francee shrugs glancing at me. Oh she is so going to me! When we get home!

I am so not going to tell her....Awww that black will be for weeks....*smirks at the thought*

We get to the house and get out, walking inside. I pull Francee to our room with Ethan close behind. Opening our door, I drag her to my bed as Ethan closes the door and sits with us. "Okayyy...what's happening crazy?" He asks as I stare in Francee's eyes. Her eyes twitched under my stare. I have a mad good stare- Taft no one can resist. "Ugh! Fine I'll tell!" "Yes!" "What!?! Happen?!?" Screams Ethan confused more than ever. Me and Francee had a twin telepathic way of taking. No joke. We are born in the same day, different timing making her older. Yay I'm the youngest. I look to Francee with one brow raise,"well Francee something you wanna say to *coughs* us." I smile innocent as she glared at me. "Ugh fine I got in a fight for someone talking shit about you" she says looking at me. I sink in my bed,"why?" "They were saying awful things- thing I shouldn't be saying- and I couldn't take it. So I got a Friday School" she mumbled upset. "You went through all that.." I was rudely cut off by Ethan. "You did that without me?!?!" I glare shutting him up,"anyways you did that for me." She nods. I hug her as Ethan joins. This was my family. Even if we do find our families, we will be there for one another always.

Soon our parents get home and we have dinner- of course going through the explain of Francee's fight. Like I said they don't get mad. Our mom is a doctor, she has brown blonde hair and brown eyes. Our dad is a gym teacher, he also had dark hair and dark eyes. Our sister- Shane- has black hair and brown hazel eyes. She's 16 and in high school, well she works at the theater downtown.



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