Chapter One

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Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

I groaned and turned off my alarm clock. I slowly took the sheets off and got out of bed. I trudged to the bathroom and got dressed in my uniform. Which consisted of black pants, a white lab coat, and black boots. I took out my favorite orange bandana and slid it on too my forehead. Orange was always a good color on me. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. When I reached the train station I hopped on the train to go downtown, that was where my work was.

'oh shoot! i forgot i'm supposed to meet lucy for breakfast in 20 minutes'

Once the train came to a stop I ran towards the pancake house. When I finally got there I was breathing heavily and saw a confused Lucy sitting at a nearby table. I slowly walked over to her and smiled awkwardly.

"Your late." She said while eyeing me.

"I know I'm really sorry Lucy I forgot I didn't leave the house in time," I mumbled still out of breath.

She just giggled and picked up the menu. I already knew what I wanted since I came here all the time.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you yesterday! I think I found a new planet!!!" I almost screamed

"Really?! Are you serious?!?!" She looked at me with shock in her eyes.

"Mhm! I wanted to tell Makarov today so he could tell me if I could go!" I said excitedly.

Makarov is our boss. He knows everything that happens in the lab. And he also decides who goes where.

"Wait...." Her smile faded. "what do you mean 'if I could go'?" She asked.

"Well, I wanted him to let me go to it! Like in a rocket ship to study it!" I could barely keep in my excitement.

"That could mean you could never come back!" She said as she turned pale.

"I never thought about that..... But It's always been my dream to go to outer space and discover a new planet! So it's something I'll just have to do. Plus who says that I'll never come back? Maybe I'll be able to and I'll just be up there for a couple years." I noted.

Lucy just stared at me and said, "Ummm... Yeah sure..." She quickly looked down.

The rest of breakfast went without a word. Sometimes Lucy would glance up at me really quick but then just as fast as she did, she looked back down. When it was time to leave she just waved and kind of ran off.

'i wonder why she's so worked up over this?'

Once I was done I walked out of the store and towards work. It wasn't that far so I could walk. The sidewalks were so crowded every couple seconds I would get pushed or shoved by someone.

Let me take this time to tell you a little bit about myself. If you couldn't already tell, I'm an astronomer. I have studied the sky in hopes of being able to someday actually go there. It has been my dream ever since I was a little girl. Now that I finally found a really great reason, maybe Makarov will let me go! I couldn't help but smile the rest of the way to work. Once I walked in the door to the lab everyone started at me.

"Ummm... Hi guys?" I said waving awkwardly.

They just kept staring at me like I was some kind of stain on one of their shirts. I just decided to walk to my area of the lab and just went to work. As I was studying the pattern of a group f stars I felt a tap on the shoulder. I turned around to see Wendy, our newest and youngest employee.

"What happened with Lucy?" She asked me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned her.

'i mean, i know lucy acted weird after i told her about the planet but nothing was wrong with her'

"She came running in here and I stopped her and asked her what was wrong and she said it had something to do with you then she ran into Makarov's office." She told me.

I just stood there like an idiot and didn't say anything.

'why would lucy come running in here? why did she go into makarov's office?'

"Is she still in his office?" I asked.

"Yes, she never came out," Wendy replied.

"Thanks, Wendy!" I said as I ran towards Makarov's office.

As soon as I opened the doors the first thing I heard was, "You can't let her go!" which was said by Lucy. After they heard the door close the both looked at me.

"Lucy?" I asked her puzzled as to what she was talking about.

"Lucy tells me that you found a new planet and you want to fly up there is this correct?" Makarov asked me.

"Correct." Was all I could say at that moment.

"Let me see your findings." He stated.

"Yes, sir," I said as I walked out of his office to retrieve my notes.

Once I came in and showed him my notes he just sat there looking at them and kept mumbling things that were inaudible. Finally, he looked up at me. "Levy, if you proceed with this mission you will never be able to come back to earth." He said as he looked at me intently. Lucy gasped and covered her mouth.

'i mean i know i'll be leaving lucy and all my friends behind but this is something i've wanted for my entire life. i have to make the choice.'

"I want to do it." I sated as strongly as I could. "But Lev-" Lucy was cut off but Makarov's hand. "This is Levy's decision. If she wants to go I will not stop her. Since this is such a far away planet we can't send probes so a human needs to go to retrieve information." Right after he said that a sobbing Lucy ran out of the room.

My heart felt like it was about to shatter. "You can take the rest of the day off Levy. Your training begins in 2 weeks." He said. "Thank you, sir." I sated as I walked out of the door. I tried to find Lucy but I couldn't find her anywhere. I even asked around but everyone said they didn't see her either. I decided to give up and take Makarov's offer and take the day off, I wanted to think things over.

I grabbed my bag from my desk and headed to the train station. Just about 2 minutes into my walk I felt something hard hit my face and I fell to the ground. "Watch where you're goin-" A man said in front of me but stopped mid-sentence. When he looked at me I think I saw him blush but only for a second.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I-I wasn't looking where I was going and... I'm sorry" I said as I grabbed my books. My bag was open so when I fell all my books and papers were sent flying. "It's fine, are ya ok?" The man asked me. "Yeah I'm fine I just need to pick up my stuff," I said as I grabbed the last of my papers.

I started to get up but a big hand reached out to me. "Here, I'll help ya." He said. I actually got a good look at him for the first time. He had unruly spiky black hair that went down to his mid-waist, a white button-up shirt, black pants, and black combat boots with laces that were all over the place. He was also very tall.

I mean, I was sort but he was definitely tall. I reached my hand to put it on his. My hand was like a little pebble compared to his. His hand was rough but warm. For some reason when I touched his hand a wave of energy went through me.

'what is up with me today?'

When he pulled me up our faces were only inches apart. I was wide-eyed since we were so close. Even though I didn't even know this guy, I kind of felt safe around him. When I realized he was staring at me, my face turned scarlet and I backed away. "S-So I'm Levy!" I stammered still in shock of what happened. "Gajeel." He said in a husky voice.

Hello everyone! I thought of this in history class the other day and I decided to write it! :3 Don't worry, I will still be writing Safety I'll just write them both at the same time. Updates might come slower due to the fact that I have finals but once I'm in summer (which is in 5 weeks WOOOPWOOOP!!) I'll be writing A LOT more!! So remember to vote and comment! I love to hear from you guys!

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