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"Nancy!!!" I heard Harry scream from the lounge room, it sounding rather concerning. So I dropped what I was doing an ran into the lounge. "What happened?!" I asked frantically. "I missed you." He smiled. I sighed and said "Babe, I thought something bad happened." He got up and walked to me. I watched him as he stood in front of me, his tall figure over towering my small one. He pinned me to wall, rather harshly. A gasped escaped my lips. He smirked down at me. He leaned down to my ear. "You know I love you. Right?" He whispered. I nodded, making him smile. He grabbed my wrists and put them above my head and held them in place with one hand. We looked at each other, I could see his eyes already clouding with lust. He let out a breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. He kissed a spot on my neck once, then the spot above it. "H-Harry.." I said, he looked at me. "It'll only hurt more if you protest." He smirked. I looked at him, all I could see was lust in his eyes. You see, I was a virgin. And Harry was the only boyfriend I've had. So naturally, I was scare of the idea of sex. "B-But I'm a-" "I know." He cut me off. "I'll work you through it." He whispered in my ear, again, sending shivers down my spine. He chuckled deeply. We've only been dating a couple months, so I've only seen him naked once, him seeing me, never. But that'll all change soon I guess. He let go of my hands and grabbed one again. He slowly led me to the bedroom. 'Play it cool, Nan.', I thought to myself. Once we got into the room, he shut the door and locked it. "I-Is that needed? We're the only ones here.." I said. He looked at me. "It's needed for the full experience." He smirked. I sat on the bed, crossing my legs. He walked over to me. "No, no, that wont do." He smirked and un-crossed them. I looked at him. He came closer to me and kissed me, hard. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. I started leaning down on the bed, bringing him with me. Our lips were moving in sync, both in pure bliss. At this point, I'm laying on the bed, Harry on top of me. He removed his arms from my waist and pinned them at the sides of my head, then looked down at me. "I know this is your first time, so ill be gentle." He said. "Thank you." I smiled. "But next time, it'll be rough." He winked, making me giggle softly. He leaned down and kissed me, out lips, yet again, moving in sync. He tugged on the bottom of my shirt, and kissed me harder. He started lifting my shirt, and stopped to when it was hiding only my boobs and above that. He pulled away and looked at me. I nodded and he smiled. He lifted my shirt all the way, and then before I knew it, it was off. He looked down at my purple and green bra, making me feel insecure. He leaned down and kissed the crease in between my breasts, then said "Babe, you're so beautiful." I smiled and blushed. He smirked and sat up, then lifting his shirt above his head. I found myself staring at his toned abs, then I heard him chuckle. I looked up at him, the lust overpowering his mouth. "Lets get down to business. Shall we?" He smirked. He got off the bed and took his pants off, then...his boxers. He then walked to the nightstand an opened the first drawer. He pulled out a box which read 'Trojan Man Condums'. I gulped, realizing that I'm going to do this. But the reassuring part, it was with someone I love. He pulled out one, and set it on the bed, then put the box away. He walked back to me, then unzipped my shorts. I watched him as he undid the button. He slowly slid them down and off of my legs, leaving me only in my bra and panties. He then looked at me. He kissed me hard, and played with the straps of my bra. He slid one off my shoulder and then the other. He reached his hand under my back and unclasped my bra. He grabbed it and ripped it off of my body, he did all this while kissing me. He's talented. He then slid my panties off, so I was fully naked. He pulled away and examined my body, then he smiled. "You're more beautiful than I expected." He said, making me blush. He grabbed the condum and opened it, then put it on. He positioned himself at my entrance and looked at me. "If it hurts, just grab my shoulders." He said, I nodded. Then, he slid himself in. He gave me a minute to adjust, and I nodded to signal him to go. He smirked and started thrusting. With every thrust, I let out a loud moan. He started out slow and soft, but as we kept going, he went faster and harder. He went very hard, and I screamed, in both pain and pleasure. But mostly pleasure. I did what he said to do, I grabbed his shoulders and accidentally dug my nails into his back. He kept thrusting and thrusting, and finally we both reached our high and cummed. He then climbed out and lay beside me, us both breathing hard. "That. Was. Breathtaking." He finally said, still breathing heavily. I nodded. He pulled me to him and he kissed my head. "I love you so much Nancy." He whispered. "I love you too." I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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