Chapter 3

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 *Author Note!* 

-So basically this is just a filler chapter. I am not very happy with how this one turned out, but I need to please the fans and update. I will update everyday besides Saturdays and Sundays. Those will be the days I will write the chapters for the week. I hope you still enjoy. I might not update Friday this week. I have a sleepover. And next week Friday I start softball, so that one might be a little later.  Ok Lovelies I hope you enjoy.-

*Zayn's POV*

When Harry, Louis, and Liam get here they right away ask what's wrong. I go to tell them but a beeping sound interrupts me from replying. I start to panic when the nurse pushes us out and they start using the crash cart on Niall. I just hear a Charge, Clear, then a shock. They quickly push Niall towards the OR's. "Zayn, please tell me what is happening with Niall." Harry cries out. I slide down the wall. "The Doctors told me that Niall's internal organs are failing on him. Mixed with the not eating, lost of blood, and the alcohol." I hiccup. Liam wraps me into a hug. "We should go get something to eat and a hotel." Louis replies. I am about to sat no, but the look Harry gives me, makes me keep my comments to myself. We go to the closest hotel and get two rooms. I call room service, ordering a burger. After they bring up the burger and I ate it. I fell asleep for a good 24 hours. 

*Niall's POV*

I feel very groggy. I open my eyes to see machines and wires attached to me. I try to talk but nothing comes out. Starting to panic a nurse walks in. "Oh good your awake. It has been 2 days since I saw those beautiful blue eyes of yours." The nurse says. I stare at her. Two days? "You must be confused. You came in two days ago with organ failure and today you are a survivor." She gives me water. "W-Where is Zayn?' I ask. "The young boy with hazel eyes and black hair?" I nod. "Oh, He was in here the past two days but he got a phone call, not ten minutes ago. Someone named Perrie." I tune her out after that. Of course he would go right back to Perrie. That kiss meant nothing to him. He would never love me like that. I feel a tap. Looking over I see Harry looking down at me. "Hey Ni. How you feeling?" he asked. "Stop. Don't. I don't need the whole how you feeling bullshit. I don't want anyone coming into my room, besides you. I don't want to see anyone else." I cry. He sits down in the chair next to my bed and holds my hand. "What about Za-" I cut him off. "Don't even say his name. He choose Perrie, I mean it was obvious that he would love her, not me. Just let him be happy with her." I say. Glaring at him. "Get out! Just get out! Go tell him to leave me alone. Just leave." I shout a nurse comes peeking in. "Hun, I thinl you should let him rest. He doesn't need the extra stress right now. He will be in stitches for 2 more weeks." Harry just shakes his head ok. He gets up, as the doctor comes walking in. His name tag reads, Dr. Pains. Ha funny. "Hello Niall, my name is Dr Robert Pains, but you may call me Robert. I have to discuss the options you have as you continue to heal. You can go home on 24/7 watch, I realized you are from London but you would have to stay in Utah for the treatment. Or you can stay here in the psych ward on the 5th floor. This is because I noticed the self harm marks and the starving of yourself. So I think it would be best to stay on the 5th floor, but it is up to you." I look at him and ask the thing on my mind. "If I stay here can I see anyone from outside of the hospital." He shakes his head no. "Then I am ok with staying here. Please don't let anyone else in." Dr. Pains, or Robert, nods and tells me in a week, I will move rooms to the 5th floor.

  *Zayn's POV*

When I got done yelling at Perrie to leave me alone. I go upstairs to go to Niall's room. Harry is standing in front starring straight ahead. "Is he awake?" He shakes his head yes. "That's amazing. Can I go in now?" He casts his eyes towards the ground. "He told me not to let anyone in. Especially you." He whispers. "Haha, very funny. Now let me see my Irish lad." He stays planted firmly where he was. The doctor walks out. "Hello, I am Niall's doctor. He has told me not to let anyone in, and I will grant his order. He is not mentally strong enough to handle stress. He has also informed me, he will stay in our psych ward, until he is better. No outside contact is allowed unless otherwise told. So I will have to ask you to leave, for the safety of my patient." He says. I am already not liking this doctor. I am about to argue but Harry grabs me and pulls me away from the love of my life.

*Niall's POV*

About a week later the only people I have seen are Callie, my roommate on the 5th floor, Robert (Dr. Pains), and the nurses. Callie is a very sweet girl, unless you get on her bad side. She is 18 years old. She is here because she has anorexia. I have told her about everything these past 5 years. She has become my rock. I miss Zayn but I need a little time away from him. Today is the day I am moving to the 5th floor.  Callie is waiting for me, she throws her arms around me and kisses my cheek. "Niall lets go meet some of the other people, some of them are really cool." I set my bags down. Liam came by earlier this week and dropped clothes off they had flown here from London. She pulls me down the hallway. I was looking at all the rooms when I run into someone. Falling on my ass. "What the hell! Watch where you are going fag." a big guy says. He has blonde hair and grey eyes. He kicks my gut. I feel one of my stitches rip open. I start bleeding. I moan in pain, before I black out, I see Callie punch the guy in the face. I smile, Zayn would like Callie.  

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