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"I'm sorry?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I said you should probably go with Alice."

I sighed in disbelief. I couldn't believe that I had just imagined that he said he'd make love to me. He was making me go crazier by the second.

"Suit yourself." I shrug and walk past him.

When I went into Alice room she was in the middle of changing. "You know my dad had a talk with me about you the other day." She said when she started putting one of her legs through her jogging pants.

I sat on her bed and rest myself up on my elbows. "About me? What did he say?"

"Basically saying that I shouldn't be hanging out with you as much because you're so promiscuous and blah, blah, blah, blah."

"He knows I have sex?"

"Everyone knows you have sex. With everyone."

"Aw, Alice. Are you slut shaming me?" I teased.

"Shut up." She chuckled and started looking through her phone. "Mom's on her way."

"Damn, she's still alive?" I joked.

Alice sighed and her whole persona had changed. She was sad. "What's wrong, A?" I sat myself up to get a better look at her.

"I think my parents want a divorce. I mean, I think my mom's cheating and my dad-" sigh, "he's so oblivious to it all."

"I'm so sorry." Was all I could think to say.

"He loves her so much and he's a really good man."

"Well how about you talk to your mom about it?" I suggest.

"I guess I could but what if—" The loud doorbell had rung and it made Alice stand quickly to her feet. "That's her." She left the room and I had followed right behind her. When she opened the door her mom had pulled her into her arms. "Ally! Oh, I've missed you!" Her mother exclaimed happily.

"That's great. Let. Go." She tried to squirm her body out of the tight hug and eventually her mother had let her go. "Come on in, mom. Don't want any flies coming in."

"Of course." She sadly whispered and walked inside. "Hello, Joanna. Since you're here I'm going to go back out and get some food for you girls."

"Don't you want to see dad?" Alice cut in.

"I'll see him went I get back." And without another word from Alice she had left the house and she never came back. The Styles family haven't seen her in a week.


Saturday's were the best days. Alice and I always have sleepovers with just the two of us at her house and we'd never get tired of each other. That's what I call true friendship.

It was almost one in the morning and Alice and I were laying in her bed, the lights were off so the room was pitched black and I desperately tired to keep my eyes closed and fall asleep. But nothing happened.

To Alice it was very important that I had stayed with her every chance I got to so that I could be by her side with her mother being away. Mrs. Styles had always seem so secretive to me. But it was weird when she said that she was going out to get food and ended up never came back.

Of course Harry and her thought that something might of had happened to her but when they called into her job to see if they had seen her they said that she was coming into work all the time. So she basically just abandoned her family.

"Alice?" I said in a hushed tone.

No response.

"Alice, dude, I can't sleep."

She didn't say anything so I nudge her lightly. Unlike me she was actually getting her rest. I decided to get out of the bed and go downstairs to the kitchen to get some water. But when I made it there the light from the refrigerator glowed the entire room. Harry was bent down and his head was basically inside the fridge.

I just crossed my arms and leaned against the island, waiting for him to realize that I was there. When he closed the fridge he turned around, saw me, and jumped. I could still see him perfectly fine because the television light from the living room had illuminated the kitchen. "Joanna, what are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep." I admit.

I thought that this was the perfect chance to try something with Harry but honestly, I wasn't in the mood to seduce him. Thoughts of my own were drowning me out, things that I wouldn't share with Alice.

"Something the matter, love?"

I nod. "Yeah, a lot."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

This time he was standing directly in front of me. "No."

"I have never seen you upset before and to be quite honest it's hurting me."

Shit, did I just imagine him saying something amazing again?


"Seeing you hurt.... is hurting me."He said slowly.

"You mean that in the most non-sexual, no feelings, romantic type of way don't you?"

"Not at all." He whispered. "I admire you. I've had always admired you. But I tried so damn hard to push these feelings away."


"Let me finish." He says breathlessly. "I am so completely fascinated by you. You Joanna, are not a child. You do exactly what you want. You know exactly what you want."

"You know what I want now?"

"What's that?"

"I want you to kiss me."

And he did just that. He leaned in and his firm lips had came into contact with my soft pink ones. When the kiss had deepened I ran my fingers through his long curly hair, earning a low groan from him. I've always wanted to kiss Harry and do much other things so why just stop here? Why not keep going, right?

Harry had felt the same because when he had pulled away he said, "Let's take this to the couch." He took my hand in his and when we walked into the living room. I had sat down on the couch and looked up at him. "Lay down." He told me.

I obliged and he got down to his knees and started to unbuckle my shirt almost painfully slow. When I was exposed to him he had quirked an eyebrow. "No bra?"

"They're horrible to sleep in."

He chuckled lightly and placed light kisses against both of my breasts. My breathing began to get heavy because of how good he felt against me and also because I was nervous.

His head had raised up and he took off his shirt in a matter of seconds. "Are you ready, baby girl?"


Without hesitation his hands are now wrapped around the waist band of my shorts. I stop him by touching his wrists. "Stop. I can't." I sit up and cover myself.

"Did I do something wrong?" He looked shocked but mostly concerned.

"No, no." I sigh. "I've never done this before."

"You mean to tell me that you're a virgin?"

"Yes." I say lowly.

I was embarrassed.

"But I thought—"

"Everyone thought. It's what I made them think. It's fine if you don't want me because I'm not as experienced as you thought I was." I grab my shirt and stand to my feet. "Goodnight, Harry."

I thought he was going to grab me, stop me from leaving but he didn't. So I just walked out and went back into Alice's bed. "Hey, Jo. Where'd you go?" She asked still half asleep.

"Bathroom. Go back to sleep, A."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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