|05|With The Alpha King

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"When I'm with you, love needs no explanation. It just is and we just are"
~Michael Faudet

"Yes." I told him and before I could say more he hugged me tightly on his strong arms. His scent calmed me like and it seemed that all the worries are gone away. I am indeed not sure what I have done but I am sure that my actions have consequences. The moment I said 'yes' is the moment I accepted everything after it.

"Uhm, Gabriel?" I called his name and he hummed. His cold nose inhaled my neck and it was like a jolt of electricity all over my body. Without thinking I tried to push him away, afraid of what the weird feeling was,

"Let me stay like this for a while." He said and wrapped his arms around my waist before lifting me up. I gasped and held onto him tightly. Hearing his warm chuckle next to my ears is like music that I want to hear until forever. Never have I ever felt like this, just with him.

After giggling and dancing around like idiots, assuming that the moon is the spotlight and we are the performers. His eyes are tempting me to come closer and closer until we are inches apart, pulling me like a doll under the string. I closed my eyes and pushed him back, it is not proper to kiss someone upon first meeting.

He carried me under the tree and lent me his white handkerchief to sit on. It took a few moments before I decided to break the silence.

"Tell me more, Gabriel. About this world, your world as you can see I am very curious about these things." I told him and he nod.

"You see my dear, Long time ago our ancestors lived in peace. We coexist with humans back then. There are different types of beings that lived together protected by laws long ago, witches, dwarfs, sirens, vampires, werewolf and many more of creatures you can probably think of. Since the humans don't possess any power, they envy and became greedy for power. They found ways to obtain their dreams and became powerful. They are smart and developed different possible ways to kill us with ease, rituals, wolf's bane, traps and guns. It became difficult to live in the world dominated by humans. And so we decided to hide from them because humans and wolves can never coexist."

"Are you saying that all my life I lived to fool humans?"

"You can say that. Former Kings and Queens were just decoys to deceive human eyes to hide our existence. As you can see I am the Alpha King, and I pledge to protect and help everything, everyone that my hand can reach." he said.

I nodded. All of these, I thought they're all fantasy and far from truth but, those are real and only hidden from humans. The world I know is far more adventurous and mysterious than I actually think is. I thought my whole life is a joke and written. But, there are many things to explore and wonder about.

Things flow in my mind like a calm river. I understand everything and I have no reason to protest or turn things as they were now. I believe every single word he said to me is true. My right arm itch and it's like a needle piercing my skin. I looked and a, mosquito are enjoying my blood, I lifted my hands up to whack the mosquito but his fast hands caught it. It's Gabriel, he pulp the mosquito and looked at my bitten skin. It turned pinkish and I admit it hurts. He stood up and helped me to get up.

"Let's head back." He said seriously and held my hand tight as we walked. He clenched his jaw as we walked back to the castle. Is he annoyed about the mosquito? This is really normal here.

My glass heels dug holes to the ground and it's hard to walk. Gabriel noticed and he stopped to turn around and faced me. He pushed his sleeves off and bent over to lift me up in bridal style. I squirmed and closed my eyes as he lifted me up. I did not monitor what I ate this week and I am not sure about my weight and it made me really nervous. What if I'm heavy?

"You're not heavy so worry not. We'll sneak at the back door. It will prevent them to see us, and your slippers are dirty too." He said and carried me like I weight nothing. Maybe I am heavy but not heavy enough to make it hard to him to walk. I know what he meant about 'them'.

"Thank you." I said and he smiled.

He run towards the backdoor not making any sounds and I am surprised with his remarkable speed. The backdoor of the castle leads to the kitchen and I am worried that others might see us. Jocelyn saw me with Gabriel and her eyes narrowed with confusion and shock. I tapped Gabriel's shoulder and he gently put me down. I told Jocelyn what the situation is and she immediately understood the situation and helped us to go to my room. Gabriel wiped the dirt of my slippers so it's safe to walk around, although, this is very embarrassing. He seriously needn't to do that.

We went to my room and I changed my shoes. I wore flats now, and it felt more comfortable. I saw Gabriel looking around my room, smiling to my pictures when I was young.

"Let's go back to my father." I told him. "And I'm starving." I added and he smiled at me before holding my hand to his side.

We walked at the hall and searching for my father, I saw him with his colleagues chatting and laughing. He is merely drunk and that is not a good sign. He cannot handle his alcohol. I address my father and he immediately greeted us. Kurt is with him and I am thankful that he is keeping an eye on my Father.

"How is it?" he asked.

"It was great." I said and bow down a little. I can't hide my blushing face. It really is fun.

"I'm glad to hear that. Will you excuse us? We're in the middle of something." He said and motioned the glass with wine he was holding. I just nod and let him be. It's pointless to even think about it.

I saw Arthur walking towards my direction. Warm smile never left his face as he approached at me. Gabriel pulled my waist to his side as Arthur addressed me,

"Remember me Princess? I'm the-"

"Excuse us." Gabriel said and he held my hand until we reached the table and took a seat. Arthur didn't even have the chance to finish his sentence! That is just too harsh. Arthur left in disappointment.

I glared at Gabriel and he looked at me in his innocent face like he did not do anything wrong. He sips some whine and complimented things around the castle. He said that the food looks delicious and our people are really hospitable.

"I noticed what you did back there King." I cut him off.

"Huh?" he raised his brow and stuffed some steak on his mouth.

"Arthur is kind. You don't have to do that." I said and he suddenly looked serious. How disappointing, the Alpha King is rather childish and jealous with literally everyone who will approach me.

"I don't want anyone wondering around what already mine spaces yourself, that is an order." He said and kissed my hand.

"Stop thinking that I will be immediately snatched away. I did not agree on this if I don't know what I am doing. You don't have to order me of such selfish requests, I created rules myself."

He smirked, "Okay. You are the Queen."


A/N All of this stuffs are all my imaginations. The throwback story is all from me. If there's someone who copy any of these by any ways note me please. Writting your own stories are the best.


I will update soon guys, I promise.

•_• J.B.C

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