Chapter 9, Zeref

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Natsu's Pov, 

I walked over to Gray and the other guys who were getting ready to help rebuild Lucy's, Happy's and my house. "You do know it's gonna take a couple of days right Flame Brain?" Gray asked as I glared at him. "I know Ice Cube" I then felt a dark aura behind me and saw Gray shaking as I turned around to see Erza standing behind me. Gray and I hurried and put our arms around each other like we was best friends. "Hey Erza" I smiled as I saw Lucy giggling at the table watching. "Your going to rebuild the house not brake it even more, got that" Erza snapped.

"H-HAI" Gray and I answered before she walked backed over to Lucy and Wendy. "The baby is fine and doing great Lucy-Chan" I heard Wendy making me smile more as Gray rolled his eyes grabbing my scarf and dragged me out the guild hall. "We gotta finish that house before Lucy gives birth so sooner we start the sooner we can fight and prove who's stronger" Gray made me smirk and nod as Elfman, Laxus and Gajeel following. At lest I wasn't going to be alone with the Ice Queen. "Mira making you come?" Gajeel asked making Laxus nod. 

"She wants me to make sure these idiots don't brake the house more" Laxus answered as I rolled my eyes. I knew if I did, Lucy would just get upset. One, I hated when Lucy was upset and two Erza would murder me. As we got to the house I couldn't believe my eyes. Zeref was standing there making us all confused and shocked. Zeref was wearing high-collared black and tan robes with a gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. He has short black hair, dark eyes, and abnormally sharp canines. He also was wearing a circle-shaped necklace.

"HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP IN MY HOUSE AFTER SENDING A DEMON AFTER MY LUCY" I shouted pissed as my body set on fire. The others was also in fighting stance as Zeref just smiled. "Because that child of yours is in grave danger" Zeref made me rush at him. Before I could throw off a punch he moved fast making me punch one of the remanding walls. "Your a danger to that child" Laxus snapped his body giving off lightening. "That child has 5 futures, Im making sure one of them doesn't happen" Zeref lifted his arm, aiming a black ball at Laxus.

I moved fast along with Gray, both of us punching him out of the house. Lucky we was missing a wall. "Like I would believe you" I snapped as Gajeel and Laxus crossed their arms. "Believe what you want brother" Zeref got up, not a scratch on him. "DON'T CALL ME THAT" I snapped as Zeref looked upset. This guy needed a lesson to stay away from MY Lucee. Zeref soon had an unknown black orb growing from him. "TAKE COVER" Laxus shouted as Gray made an ice wall. As the orb pushed on it, I saw Gray struggling to keep the wall standing. 

"How do we beat this?" I asked worried knowing if we was taken down, he could get his hands on Lucy. "Gajeel go warn Gramps, we will keep him busy" Laxus ordered making Gajeel roll his eyes and run off toward the guild. 'Keep Him Busy'? How? "Natsu, I give you power, you hit that orb hard" Laxus eyes glowed as clouds formed above us. I gave my signature smirk as lightening soon hit me. I felt my power getting stronger as lighting and flames danced around my body. "IM ALL FIRED UP" I shouted and jumped above Gray's ice wall went straight toward the orb.

"Lightning Fire Dragon's Firing Hammer" I screamed as my first landed on the orb. Fire and lightening hit the orb shattering it. Zeref looked at me shocked and then smirked. "More power incoming" Laxus shouted as another lightening bolt hit me. I was so going to hate the after affects of this. I moved fast and ran at Zeref punching him around the face sending him backwards a little. Then I remembered, if he died so did I... If it was to keep Lucy safe then I would gladly give up my life.....

Meanwhile Lucy's Pov, 

Gajeel burst through the doors of the guild hall making us all look at him confused. "Zeref is attacking the others" Gajeel nearly shouted as my eyes widen. I stood up fast my hand going on my stomach. "ERZA YOU, LUCY, MIRA AND LEVY STAY BEHIND THE REST OF YOU BRATS GET GOING AND HELP YOUR FAMILY" Master shouted making everyone rush off. Erza's hands turned into fist as she slammed them on the table making me jump even more scared. "Why make me stay behind Master?" Erza asked as Master Makarov looked at her.

"Because he is keeping Natsu busy" he answered making me confused as someone walked into the guild... I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Mard Geer. H-he should of been dead. Mard's black hair was long and wavy, reaching his shoulders even whilst the majority was tied up in a very large ponytail. Additionally, his messy bangs all but obscure his dark, slanted eyes. Mard was wearing a long, black jacket trimmed with a light-colored flame pattern; the lapels are a matching lighter color as well. Beneath the jacket, Mard wears a frilly black v-necked shirt, lined in a lighter color, that closes down the middle and is adorned with a buckle just below his clavicle; just below this is a piece of fabric that Mard keeps over this shirt but under his jacket, that circles the majority of the lower half of his torso.

The rest of his attire is simple, consisting of light-colored pants that lay lazily over the top of rather plain black boots. "Hand over Mrs Dragneel" He was smirking his head off as I stepped back shaking a little. "Mira, get Lucy to her room" Erza then stepped forward. "Requip"Erza shouted as her armour changed into her Black Wing Armour. The Black Wing Armour had black with silver trimming that has silver crosses is several places. It has a revealing silver-edged breastplate and plates flanking her hips that reach down to her waist-guard. 

The waist-guard leaves the front of Erza's body exposed, with her groin being covered by a dark imbuement. She has large plates guarding her legs. She has two wings that have black metal "arms" acting as the wings' leading structure, but the parts used to fly are composed of a membrane-like material. Erza's hair is tied in a ponytail.  Mira grabbed my arm dragging me to the stairs. I only followed still watching as Master and Erza looked upset. I couldn't stop shaking in fear....

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