The Game

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I sat in class gazing out the window. It was raining outside and lightning was leaking out of the clouds. I ran my fingers through my straight, red hair in frustration. Why does it always have to rain when something important was gonna happen that  same day? I thought. "Mrs. Stewart!" My teacher Mr. Vanderbilt said. "Err... Yes Mr. V?" I replied. "Are you going to answer the question today or next year?" He asked sarcastically. "Uh, 45,677?" I randomly guessed. "Correct!" He said. "Are you sure about that Mr. V?" I questioned. "Absolutely Mrs. Stewart! Why would you be asking that?" He said. "No reason." I mumbled. Stella and Iris looked at me weirdly. I just shrugged, than turned around. RING! The bell rang, and before I could blink, everyone was out of their seats and rushing towards the door. "Stella! Iris! Wait up!" I called. They slowed down a bit but they were still rushing off. "Never mind." I mumbled as they raced off giggling. "Thalia! Hey girl!" Cadenza said from behind me. Ahh, Cadenza. Your average, annoying rich girl. "Oh...Hi, Cadenza." I mumbled. "OMG! I haven't seen you in like, forever!" She squealed. Try last period. I thought. Then she grabbed my arm and led me to the cafeteria. I glanced at Stella and Iris sitting at the far corner of the cafeteria. Our usual lunch spot. They looked at me and waved at me to come over. I tried to pull away from Cadenza but it was no use. "Err, Cadenza?" I started. "You can let me go now." "Oh come on!" She pouted. "Please sit with me and the girls today? You always sit with those dorks, I mean people!" She smiled. "Okay, fine, but just for today!" I huffed. "Great!" And with that, she lead me to the popular table. All the girls waved and smiled at me. They always wanted to recruit me to the popular group but I always just turned them down. I was glad being with my BFFs, Stella and Iris.

I few minutes later it was time to head back to class. I quickly rushed off to my friends before Cadenza or anyone else could stop me. "Hey Thalia!" Stella smiled. Stella May had long, curly blonde hair with pink ombré at the bottom. She was always cheery and the life of a party. Iris on the other hand, was a complete goth. Half her hair was dyed purple while the other was black. She always wore dark clothes and a leather jacket. She was also an artist and a singer, but she didn't like to show it. She was always very negative and often vandalized people's property.

"Do you guys wanna come over after school today? I got this really cool new game and I think your gonna like it!" She said as she winked at Stella. "Uhh... Sure?" I replied as Stella nodded excitedly. "Perfect." Iris muttered as she rubbed her hands together maliciously. Stella and I both stared at her oddly and she just shrugged.

After school we walked towards Iris's house. Iris's backyard had graffiti lining the fence everywhere. I gasped as I saw her newest graffiti drawing, a small box with a greenish/purple orb in the middle. The box had weird symbols on it, and they looked kinda like Egyptian hieroglyphics. "Are these Egyptian hieroglyphics?" I questioned. "I have no idea." Iris replied with a shrug.


I led the girls inside my home so we could play the new game I had encountered yesterday. I went to my closet and reached for the game, than brought it to the living room so we could play. "Oo what's this?!" Stella questioned. "A new game I found at Sela's shop." I replied. "Well what are we waiting for... Let's play! Thalia said excitedly. "Not so fast..." I grinned. Stella and Thalia looked at me oddly. "What do you mean?" Thalia said. "Well, I replied, we need to do one little thing first. We have to err... Get a corpse from the old Benz graveyard." "Are you sure thats legal?!" Stella worried as she bit her lip. "Nope!" I replied eagerly as I took out a few shovels out of the closet and tossed them to Thalia and Stella. "Um... Yay?" Thalia muttered as Stella trembled. "N-no!" She stammered. "We c-can't do t-that, it's illegal!" "Oh come on!" I said. "It's just one corpse, and we can give it back after, okay?" "I-i guess." She muttered.

When we were all at the graveyard, I pointed toward an old grave that read, Mason Grey, 1845, RIP. "This is the one!" I smiled as I pulled out my shovel and began digging. I motioned for my friends to start digging with me. Thalia came over reluctantly but Stella stayed were she was. "Uh, Stella?" I pondered. "Are you coming?" Stella slowly shuffled her feet forward and was muttering things I couldn't understand. She took out her shovel and slowly began digging.


I hope you liked the first chapter of my book! I know it's kinda long but it has to be because I'm doing a contest so this story needs to have at least 4000 words in it. So stressful! Comments are welcomed! Don't forget to vote on this story so I can write more like it! If I reach 20 followers I'm gonna do a story on warrior cats. If I reach a hundred, I'm gonna do a diary with true facts in it everyday! But I will have to make fake names! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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