The YouTube couple

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Hello guys! thank you for reading my book! please enjoy reading!

Thanks to VanillaTwirl for helping me with meh story!


8:46 pm

“Hello guys! meh back! so today someone requested me to do a question and answer thingy wingy dingy...whatever you call it....anyways it is requested from LovingJerks...ok that name is kinda cool I guess...anyways...she said...‘Hey AJ do you have a brother or sister? you don't really mention it on your shows or covers so can you tell us??? please???' OK! I do have a big brother he is the best bro I ever had guys! his name is Andy Jay Jones and I guess you can call him AJ too...but my nickname is that is really question...‘AJ my man or woman! can me and my bros ask why are you a tomboy? I mean come on you are hot and all but seriously a tomboy? you are wasting your beauty babe!'....ok first me being a tomboy is a secret and second don't call me BABE!...screw you....ok moving on to the next question anyways it was from...HotBabes...screw you HotBabes...ok the next questionis from...oh...who is this?.........GemmaGreen....oh I know her she is from my class last year at history...nice...ok uhhhhh her question is....‘Hey AJ! U know me right??? question is do you have any tattoos? or maybe piercings?' Oh Gemma that is a good question...I do have a is located at my stomach...I can't show you hehehehe...but its a music note and I do have a lip ring but I wear it sometimes when I feel like anyways I guess I will continue this video tommorow...because–yawnexcuse me...I'm really sleepy...anyways....I have a surprise tommorow so you wait! remember stay at school kids! eat your vegtables and fruits! and don't forget to drink you medicines! whatever..forget what I said just stay tuned! Buhbye my sweet viewers! see ya tommorow!" I turned off my camera and yawned again...I decided to eat dinner so I got down stairs and pizza caught my attention...I followed the smell of pizza and I ended up at the kitchen...

“Ashley Jane Jones!" that was my brother Andy, he was sitting at the kitchen table...eating pizza with our buddies....Gabriel and Tyler, the two of them are living here at our house so they get to do whatever the douche bags want to do...except for me...meh can't do anything like throwing parties and whatevers...

“Yeah yeah going to eat now...bossy much...." I said looking at him teasingly and I sat next to Gabriel...I grabbed the pizza and ate...

“So AJ? are you coming with us?" Tyler asked as he grabbed another pizza from the box

“Where and When?" I asked

“at the beach and next week! really important we need you to come with us...." Gabriel replied and I nodded

“are you going to wear a swimsuit?" Tyler asked as he wiggled his eyebrows...which caused us to laugh

“Maybe...yeah my black swimsuit...not girly...ewww..." I said and took another bite of the delicious pizza....sometimes I want to get married to a pizza...ehehehe...

“Can't wait!" Tyler smirked and the other boys laughed

“don't get you high was your dates?" I Asked as I looked at their faces...

“It was cool" Gabriel

“she is hot!" Tyler

“It was nice...I guess " Andy

“ going for another one?" I asked and they shrugged

“Did your dates put on..what do you call those things..the thing you put on your face and color it like a coloring book and the thing you are using are like crayolas?" I asked them and rhey put on their questioning look,  seriously I have no idea what are those things!

“do you mean makeup?" Tyler said and I  smiled and nodded, they laughed and so as I...which is really really wierd right?

“Meh done bro...really sleepy... Andy you are going to sing with me tomorrow ..." I said as I kissed my bro's cheek and he kissed mine too...

“Night guys see you tomorrow!" I said and do our goodnight shake...which we invented when we were little buds...

“Night AJ!" they all said as they got up from the chair and headed to their room...

I cleaned up and wore my white shirt...I sat on my bed and grabbed my laptop at the stufy table...I open my facebook and messaged Tony my best bro...

Me: Whaddup bro?

Tony: checking out a chick's profile...U?

Me: stalker...nothing much just chatting...

Tony: So U done videoing?

Me: yeah it sucks!

Tony: C'mon its not thet bad! I think...

Me: thanks for ‘cheering' meh up...douche...

Tony: dude check this out!

ME: Sure...whatever...

Tony: seriously check this f*ck out!

Me: 4Q! u r bossy much!

Tony: just freaking watch it!

he replied and there was a attachment on it, its a video and the tiltle is..Beach Party 2013! I clicked it and watch

“What's up guys! my name is Riley and today we are here at the beach where the best beach party is going to be held! for those who don't know why is it called the Beach Party 2013 because last year party was a blast! teens drinking, flirting, kissing, partying and other! but this time there are alot of people coming like celebrities and popular kid at school! and there is one more kind of people and those people are YouTube stars! like DylanShow, JJ's World, DominoDog, and AJ_Fun they are the one who is going thanks to Gabriel George,  Tyler George and Andy Jones! so you guys should come and this party is only for 15 and above!" My eyes widened...they are dead...they wanted me to come....because of this...crap!

I closed my laptop and was really late to kill them...I guess maybe tommorrow....

I closed my eyes shut and sleep...

The YouTube couple (NOT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now