the rescue

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hey watch where your going i yell at the guy who just knocked me down the i feel that he is falling as well 

hey i yell again as he falls on me are you alright he questions me 

ill be better if you get off of me i say he gets off of me then i hear him say 

Sakura oh i look up Mori i say trying to hide the tears in my eyes by turning my head

but i know its already to late his fist clenches and he says though gritted teeth

Sakura why are you crying what happened? not i say wiping my face as fast as i can

he doesnt say anything else but quickly sweeps me up in hiss arms M.....Mori i am not hioney put me down ....NOW but he just holds me gently closer to his chest

he walks and im not sure where we are going but i know we have left the school building

finally he stops in front of a huge mansion what are we dioing here Mori i question but he just ignores me

he quickly walks to the front door and opens it im home he calls i have a guest please do not disturb us he walks calmly up the stairs

he walks into a room with a huge bed and sets me down on it

here he says now saku tell me whats wrong  i sniffle and look down but he lifts my head

tell me he says quietly waiting listening and it spills out   ................. H....Hikaru i cry he wrappes his arms me

what did he do he growls violently no its ..... well i have loved him since we were kids and today I...

i finaly found  the courage to tell him and i told only one personm i was going to do this Kira my best friend but when i got there hi..hikaru was with Her and he had his arm around her and he told me they were going out

she doesnt even like him i whisper what am i going to do i ask

prove you dont care and that you,ve moved on and shell dump him he says simply

but i havent moved on i cry



heres what were going to do he says  

unnoticed Mori x readerWhere stories live. Discover now