Best friends

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I can't believe today is the day I'm finally graduating from William McKinley High School. My life seems just about perfect. I graduated with a 4.7 gpa, was Valedictorian, got into my dream school (Julliard), I get my braces off in three weeks, and I have the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Now when I said just about everything here's what I meant… I'm in love with Finn Hudson. I know, I know, totally clique, but I just can't help it. We have been best friends since first grade when I punched that girl in the face for making fun of his pink shirt. I hate to admit it, but I was surprised he didn't dump me on my ass sophomore year when he got all popular. I mean I was totally bring down his rep, but he doesn't ever seem to care. He is the best guy. Most popular kids in school threw slushies at kids like me, but Finn, he refused and if anyone even thought about throwing one in my direction he went all Chris Brown on their asses! He was like my knight in shining armor. He even let me tag along with him and his date to prom, yeah it was pretty awkward. Anyways I know what your thinking, 'Why haven't you told him?', It's a bit more complicated than that. See Finn dated this girl Quinn Fabray off and on all through High School, so there never was a chance for me to tell him. If he wasn't sucking her face, he was moping because he wasn't sucking her face. Ughh boys, all they care about is looks. It's tragic really because the most beautiful girls are the ones that aren't covered in half a pound of make-up and whose legs don't operate like automatic sliding doors. Anyways, I've decided to tell him before I leave for New York. I think I'm going to play it off as a joke that way if he is creeped out that his loser best friend has secretly been crushing on him since forever, it won't be so awkward. He's having this huge blow out Graduation party tonight, well in about two hours actually, and I'm going to give him the letter I've been trying to write for the past eleven years.

I bought a brand new dress just for this occasion and I want it to be perfect. Getting ready, I actually spent the time on my hair and make-up. He's never saw me as attractive, but tonight I was going to change that. I was wearing this white dress that showed off my womanly features that I usually covered up with animal sweaters. I wasn't trying to look like a hooker, it was still my look just more mature. I straightened my hair like I usually do and I decided to keep the make-up natural and stay true to my self. I actually looked like I did in my everyday life, but I wanted him to like me for me not because I was wearing a bunch of make-up and he could see my cleavage.

I arrived at Finn's house and it was packed. High School graduates pouring out of every room. I walked inside instantly feeling like an outsider, which was expected. I just wanted to find Finn so I had someone to talk to. I start walking around getting bumped into and beer being spilt on my shoes. It was insane, I was never going to find Finn in this mad house. My phone started to buzz in my cleavage, I didn't bring a purse and have no pockets, don't judge me!

I grabbed my phone and flipped it open. "Hello?"

"Rachel! Where are you? I need to talk to you!" My heart started to pound in my chest.

"I'm down stairs looking for you." The music was so loud I could barely hear anything Finn was saying.

"I'm in my room, hurry up!" With out an answer I snapped the phone shut and made my way up to his bedroom.

I knocked on the door a few times. "It's Rachel."

"Come in." I opened the door to see a shirtless Finn. I swallowed hard trying not to stare. I've seen him shirtless before, but I was caught off guard. At least when we'd go swimming I was expecting to see his bare chest.

"Hey what are you doing up here by yourself?" He was walking around finishing getting ready.

"I was waiting for you! I need to tell you something." He held up a green Vancouver t-shirt and blue t-shit. "Which one?"

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