Chapter 1

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“Are you sure you're going to be okay?” the sweet voice questioned through the other end of the phone.

“I'll be fine! I promise,” I replied, as I tried reassuring my mother. “It's only a week. It's not as if I've never been to this festival before.”

“I know, sweetie, but you've never gone alone before. I'm just a tad worried. Your father apologizes, he knew you were looking forward to this.”

“I know, it's not his fault that he had a business trip. I'm just worried about you and grandpa. Are you sure you'll be okay without me?”

Mom laughed on the other end of the phone. Mom had recently broken her leg and she was just getting out of her cast. I hoped that grandpa would be able to help her around the house, but I was also worried about grandpa, himself.

“Yes, yes we'll be fine. Have you booked your hotel?”

“Yep, I booked it a few weeks ago, all I have to do is check in and I'll be all set!”

“That's good to hear... Well, just enjoy the festival! I'll call you back later, okay? Grandpa went out for a little with an old friend of his so I'm watching the house. Bye, honey!”

“Bye Mom.” I hung up the phone and sighed. This festival was in a small, suburban town. It was an annual festival that brought in a lot of tourists. There was shopping and fireworks and many stores and restaurants have discounts, as well.

It used to be a nice family thing, but because of my father's business trip, my mother decided to stay home and take care of the house as well as our grandfather (though, our grandfather could also be taking care of her)

The city lights rushed past the windows of the bus until they faded and soon, only street lights were visible. Other passengers snored or clicked away on their phones, waiting for their destinations. I quickly and quietly took my headphones out of my bag and placed them in my ears.

What would it be like, spending this festival alone? I rested my forehead against the cool windowpane and felt the movement of the bus tapping against my temple. I was glad that I could go, that I was allowed this week off as vacation time from the company. Although being away from my desk for a week was making me even more nervous than being away from my family.

I hoped that everything was alright....

I woke up as everyone was grabbing this bags and stumbling off the bus like drunk pirates; their half-awake mumblings of annoyance echoing through the empty night. I laughed quietly as I stuffed my headphones back into my bag and walked off the bus into the predawn light.

As I walked along the small sidewalk, the street lights cast long, menacing shadows against the black pavement. I sighed, just a few more steps and I'd be at the hotel. It was slightly chilly in the dark town. There were small vending stations that were scattered along the street, waiting patiently until they could finally fill the streets with fresh smells of food.

The hotel lobby was quiet. Only a half asleep concierge and a few scattered guests and bellhops. The woman at the front desk perked up as I walked over to her.

“Hello!” she greeted cheerfully.

“Hi,” I quickly replied, flashing a tired smiled. “I had a reservation under Leigha Mason, L-E-I-G-H-A, M-A-S-O-N.”

She nodded and turned toward her computer, tapping away at the keys. “You're all set Ms. Mason, where is your other party?”

I tilted my head and looked at her strangely. “Uhm... I don't have another party. I came here by myself.”

The lady at the desk gave me a questioning stare. “Ms, it says right here that you're a party of two, not one.”

“I have no idea what you're talking about. I reserved one room, for one person. I booked the room three weeks ago and was told that everything was fine.”

She shook her head. “I'm sorry. I could ask the manager, but the computer says that you're in a single bedroom with two people.”

I rubbed my temples out of frustration. Where was my mom when I needed her? The woman, Stella, as he name tag said in bright red letters, turned around a dialed the hotel phone. As soon as she called for the manager, she turned back around and smiled apologetically at me.

“The manager is on his way, if you could just wait here, please. He'll be here in a second.”

I nodded and walked a few feet out of line so as not to disturb the few guests checking in and out of the hotel and waited for the manager. Aside from me and Stella, the only other inhabitants of the lobby were an elderly couple that had just clamored in and a young man, around my age, checking in. It was fairly dark and empty, all the other residents of the hotel probably asleep in their beds, anxiously awaiting the opening of the festival tomorrow.

I sighed again and rested my tired eyes in my hands. This was not my day. As the now-checked-in elderly couple walked past, they flashed me innocent smiles. I tried to smiled in return, but I was sure that I just ended up looking frustrated.

I turned around, resting my back against the counter, and took in the details of the lobby. Due to the late time, lights in the lobby were dimmed down and a circle of empty couches sat in the middle of the room. I guess if you had to describe the room, the word would be modern. There weren't too many things packed into the large area, but it wasn't too empty, either. On the back wall of the lobby was a small fountain, the water trickling quietly as background music.

There was barely a soul to be seen. Was the manager sleeping? Was that why he was taking so long? I turned back around and rested my head on the counter, tapping my heal against the hardwood floors quietly.

“Don't you mean Leah Manson?”

I flicked my head over in the direction of the voice, thinking for a brief second that my name was called.

“I called to room with a Leah Mason. Leah, L-E-A-H. I don't know this person you roomed me with,” the voice added.

“I'm sorry, Sir, but it says that you're rooming with a Ms. Leigha Mason.”

Curious, I turned my full attention towards the conversation. It was the man who had walked in after the elderly couple. He was obviously frustrated and Stella seemed even more apologetic than she was with me.

“I don't know any Leigha Mason. I called here two weeks ago and set up a room with Leah Manson, not Mason.” He closed his eyes and rubbed at his temples.

“Uhm...” I interrupted, walking towards them. “Excuse me, I'm Leigha Mason. There's been some sort of mix up with our rooms.”

The man turned toward me and looked me up and down, his gaze lingering a little too long on the upper part of me torso. “Uh... Gavin, Gavin O'Donnell,” he replied as he held out his hand for me to shake. Hesitantly, I took his hand.

“Nice to meet you,” I said and we retracted our hands.

“Excuse me? Is there a problem?” a deep, scratchy voice entered the conversation. We both turned our attention to a man that had entered the lobby, his dark black suit neatly draping his figure. He began walking towards us and I presumed that he was the manager of this hotel.

“Yes. It seems that we were placed in the same room by accident.”

The manager nodded and walked behind the desk to check on the computer. After typing away for a while, he began tapping his finger against his chin. “I apologize for the inconvenience, but it appears that there are no extra rooms available.”

Mr. O'Donnell turned to the man. “Well... then could you direct me to a different hotel in this area?”

The manager shook his head and closed his eyes, sighing. “I'm sorry but due to the fact that tomorrow is the opening to the festival, all the hotels in the area are booked. If you came here by bus we also apologize, there won't be another one until morning.”

Stella, the woman at the front desk, stood there awkwardly while we contemplated our situation.

“Then bring up some extra blankets to our room. Let's go,” Mr. O'Donnell said, grabbing my hand and walking towards the grand staircase.

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