Chapter 2

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“Wait!” I yelled. “What do you think you're doing? We just met, there's no way we can stay in the same room together!”

“Why not? It'll be just like camp.” He smiled childishly and continued walking up the stairs. I wasn't sure if he was a pervert, or just completely stupid for not grasping the situation that we were in. I mean, two strangers sharing a room together? This isn't a one night stand, it's unheard of!


“What? Do you think I'm going to do something to you?”

He looked at me with mocking eyes, as if making fun of my paranoia. I glared at him and he chuckled, pressing the button for the elevator.

When we got to our room, I awkwardly set my bags on the floor and stood by the door. Mr. O'Donnell turned around and smiled at me. He seemed so innocent, so childlike, that it was scary.

“I'll take a shower first,” he said, heading over to the bathroom with his suitcase.

I nodded calmly, but at soon as the door was closed I whipped my bag open and quickly dug around for my phone. Frantically, I began typing my mother's number on they keys and then paused. My finger hesitated over the send button, not sure if it was wise to click it or not.

“No...” I whispered to myself as the distant sound of the shower ran through the air. “I can't worry her like that.” I sighed and put my phone back into my bag and shoved it under the bed. A quiet knock at the door told me that the extra blankets had arrived.

The shower handle squeaked and the sound of the water trickled to a stop. Quickly, I grabbed the door handle and greeted the maid standing in the doorway. She smiled at me and handed me a pile of warm blankets. I smiled back at her and closed the door, setting the blankets on the couch. I set to work on making a comfortable sleeping area.

The door to the bathroom opened and I heard the shuffling of feet against the carpet.

“The extra blankets came. I'll sleep on the couch if you want me t-” I turned around and stopped talking all together.

Small droplets of water dripped off of him and onto the carpet silently as he rubbed a small towel against his hair. His childish blue eyes sparkled as they looked around the room. The upper half of his body was bare, and his perfectly muscular figure was obnoxiously eye-catching.

Blushing, I quickly turned my head away and focused on the couch. “Put a shirt on or you'll catch a cold! It's not summer, you know.”

He chuckled and walked around the couch so he was once again within my line of sight. He smirked and rested the towel over his shoulder. “Why, are you uncomfortable?”

“Of course I'm uncomfortable! I'm sharing a room with someone a met only a few minutes ago, and now you decide that being half naked is fun?”

He laughed and patted me on the head. “Fine, as you wish.” Silently, he pulled a t-shirt over his head and sat on the couch, flipping the television on. I couldn't tell why he was laughing, but it annoyed me. Why do I feel like I know this man? Have I seen him before? I couldn't recall a time when we would have met each other,but it seemed like we had.

“Uhm... I said I'll take the couch...”

“Okay, you can have the bed.”

I looked at the back of his head questioningly. Didn't he just hear me. “Uhm...” I started again, wondering how much more obvious I could say it.

“I'm not letting a girl stay on the couch. Besides, this was your room first, when they added me in they got the name of the reservation wrong. You take the bed.”

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