Chapter 28 -

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'Big girls cry when their heart is breaking'

Sia – Big Girls Cry

S3 E9 – Homecoming

I just want to say....hello. Oh, and if you comment on this chapter, I will follow one of you permanently and dedicate you the next chapter and if you have a story based on The Originals or The Vampire Diaries, I'll read it and tell everybody how great (i'm sure) it was the next chapter. BTW, it will be chosen randomly by my sister.


The thing above ends on Halloween.

"Portland is fantastic once you get over all the whiny music and unhealthy looking people, it's literally a breeding ground for werewolves." I hear Klaus say.

"Your father's dead." Stefan states.

"What did you say to me?"

"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father, not dead. Mikael, daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"

"Well first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened."

"Alright, we'll say that Mikael followed Scarlet in here." Stefan starts.

"Why me?" I question.

"He's freakishly in love with you." Stefan shrugs, "he tried to grab you so he could use you as bait."

"I boiled his blood and then what, you vervained him?" I question.

"No, we vervained him, the guys an original, we have to make it realistic." Damon says.

"Ok fine, we vervained him and in the process discovered that he had a dagger."

"Which he planned to use on Rebekah but instead I drove it through his heart." Elena finishes.

I sigh, getting up and ignoring the rest of the call. I kind of don't want Klaus to die. Is that bad?


"The gym is flooded?" I question.

"Yup, but Tyler's having homecoming at his place." Caroline replies.

"...That's a different type of homecoming." I hang up, speeding to the Lockwood's mansion. Bloody hell there's a live band!

"How did he plan a better party than me so fast?" Caroline looks around, envious of Tyler's work. "Is that a band outside?"

"Who are all these people?" I ask her.


"Hello love." Klaus smirks. I take his drink from him, gulping it down. "Are you still angry with me?"

"Nope, I'm just annoyed that you didn't let me heal when Stefan bit me."

"It would have took longer, love." He tells me, "I'll make it up to you." He hands me a piece of paper.

"What is this?" I question.

"I made a deal with Garnet, she gave me a list of all of the powers that you now have," he smiles, walking off. I look at the list, gasping. 

"Bloody hell. That's a lot of powers." Something stakes me and I gasp, collapsing to the floor.

The hybrid bitch, Mindy, pulls me out to the doorway, revealing me to Klaus. Mikael grabs hold of me, a stake at my heart.

"Come out and face me Niklaus, or she dies."

"Go ahead, kill her." Tears spring in Klaus' eyes.

"He'll do it." I struggle in his grip. As if. A stake didn't affect me when I was a goddess, I'm still a goddess, the vampire part of me might not heal the stake wound, but the goddess part will.

"If she dies, she'll be the last true Martin Goddess and you'll live lonely forever." Mikael smirks.

"I don't need her, I just need to be rid of you." He snaps.

"To what ends, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you anymore boy. Who do you have? Other than those who are loyal to you forced? No one. No one."

"I'm calling your bluff father. Kill her."

"Come outside and face me you little coward." Mikael snarls, "and I won't have to."

"My whole life you've underestimated me, if you kill her you lose your leverage so go ahead, go on kill her, come on old man, kill her, KILL HER!" Mikael chuckles.

"Your impulse Niklaus, it has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." Mikael says and I feel a sharp pain in my heart. I gasp, falling to the ground. After a moment, I stand up, grinning.

I get the two wolfsbane grenades that Alaric gave me earlier, throwing them at the hybrids. "Baboom." I grin as the hybrids scream in pain. I look down to see Mikael's body burning.

"What the hell did you do?" Damon asks.

"He's earned his freedom." Klaus replies for Stefan.


"You know you fooled everyone when Mikael staked you?" Klaus asks as I sit in the empty lounge. I shrug, "I knew I'd be fine, I'm a great actress." I stand up, going over to Klaus. He looks into my eyes. Suddenly, he crashes his lips against mine. I pin him against the wall but he flips us over. He bites my neck gently, nibbling on it as I moan in pleasure.


He vampire speeds us to the bedroom, my back hitting the bed. He bites my bottom lip, asking for entrance, but I deny it. He squeezes my ass, and I gasp. Klaus takes this as a chance and his tongue explores my mouth, fighting against my tongue for dominance, which he wins. I try to pull Klaus' shirt off him, but it doesn't work. Klaus helps me take it off and then he rips off my shirt, throwing it to the side. I undo his belt, pulling his pants off as he does the same to mine. His lips move to my neck again as he nibbles on it, making me gasp in pleasure. I flip us over so I'm straddling him, and I kiss his neck, sucking on it.

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