Chapter 4: Not going to give up!

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Chapter 4 Not going to give up!

Pov Niall

I could feel my bed move and then darkness otherwise I remember feeling slightly panicked and nervous. There It was a little tiny white light I walk towards the light it got bigger ,I walked a little more it got bigger and bigger, Then I realize it was a doorway I walk through the doorway and...

pov Liam

Myself and Niall parents turned and walked back towards the waiting room this is going to be the longest six hours of my life. The doctor said it would be six hours. My hand on the handle of the door to the waiting room I went in, I didn't go to my mom I went to the boys I sat next to Harry,

"How you holding up Liam?"

"Good just a little scared, this is all happening so fast and I have time to think or know what to do"

"Sure everything will be okay" Said Louis

 "I know I'm just scared of Losing the man that I love did I just said that out loud"

Shit judging by the look on Zayn face I just said that out loud!

"You do know that you just said that out loud, So you love him!" said Zayn giggled

"Yeah I do and I don't know why I been putting myself through this, I mean I love Sophie but she's not in love with me I've had feelings for Niall since I .... I don't really know when it's hard to tell you the truth all I know is I'm fool for waiting and now Niall in the OR his head benign cut open and I may never get to tell him how I truly feel! Why is this happening! Why do I feel like the bands going to break up. Niall never going to talk to me again why am I so scared what does this mean , does this mean that I'm gay I'm different"

Next Thing I knew Zayn was standing in front of me

 " you’re Not different you're not you're not going to lose Niall and the band is not breaking up Liam Payne get that out of your head for 3 years you've done nothing but put this band and everybody in this room before yourself now it's time to put yourself before us and I know I know deep down that he's going to fight with every ounce that he has left because I know something that you don't I want so badly to tell you but I can't Liam James Payne Don't you dare give up not yet"

Pov Niall

It's very bright here, I said as I stepped forward 5 feet in front there was a man dressed all in white with his back to me

” hello”

 I said the man turned toward. My heart started to race it was my grandfather Grandpa Horan

” but how you're dead”, My breathing becomes labored

” I know my son, “

“am i dead to grandpa?,”

“ No Niall,”

“What's going on grandpa?”

“Niall myself and God have brought you here we would like to show you something!”

 My grandfather motion to the right side and pool of water appeared


 My grandfather said I walked forward my grandfather just placed my hand on my shoulder

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