Games (2 jae)

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"Shit I lost again!" Jaebum frustratingly yells.Youngjae and JB have been playing video games for two hours straight. And Jaebum lost every single round.

"Come on it's not that bad. With a little time and effort your character will be the highest level in no time!"Youngjae said trying to cheer up the elder.

"Well you're not the one losing." He said in a sour tone.

"Aww come on don't be a grumpy pants. I'm sure you'll win the next round."Youngjae says passing JB some chips.

"Thanks." He muttered shoving a couple of chips in his mouth. "How are you so good at games anyway?"

"Well practice makes perfect." The younger said in an energetic tone. "Hmm I know how about we play another game? You can pick this time."

Jaebum's mood seemed to brighten then he grinned. "How about chess?" Youngjae looked devastated. "But I don't even know how to play!" He argued.

"You're the one who said I could pick the next game." The younger pouted. "Well if I would've known you were going to pick chess I wouldn't have let you"

"Yeah yeah" JB said while opening the game board. Youngjae still was sulking. "Come on don't be upset. How about a deal?" That seemed to peak Youngjae's interest.

"Okay but what kind of deal?" Youngjae said. "If I win I'll do whatever you want for a day. And if I lose I'll do whatever you want." By the time JB finished talking youngjae was already putting the pieces on the board.

"Alright lets just get this over with."

Thirty minutes later

"In your face!" Youngjae exclaims. Dancing around joyfully. Jaebum on the other hand has a scowl on his face. "I can't believe I lost again. He felt depressed so he got up, went into their shared room and hid under the blanket.

He could hear footsteps coming into the room. "Are you okay?" There was concern in his voice. "Yes I'm fine youngjae I'm just a little frustrated that's all." The younger laughed.

JB finally took the blanket off of himself then Youngjae started talking.
"Well frustrated or not you still have to do what I say." He groaned

"Fine what do you want?" Youngjae didn't say anything for awhile and Jaebum was getting anxious. "I want a kiss"

The look on JB's face was priceless Youngjae thought to himself. He was about to tell him he was kidding but here was surprised when the other actually agreed.

"OK I'm how I should we.. Youngjae started to blush and was stuttering over his words. The elder thought it was cute. "Just close your eyes."

After he complied. JB looked at him then chuckled to himself when the other puckered his lips. Finally he leaned closer until their lips were touching.

Slowly Jaebum's tongue slips hesitantly into his mouth.  Their tongues tangle slowly and tenderly.

Youngjae didn't know what he felt all he knew was that it left a tingling sensation in the bottom of his stomach. JB felt the same way.

After a couple of seconds they broke apart. They were just staring at each other until Youngjae mustered up the courage to speak. "Is it okay if we try again?" His cheeks turning a little pink.

That's when Jaebum smashed their lips together causing the younger to gasp. It started out soft then becoming more passionate and demanding.

After a while, Youngjae could feel his  heart rate quickening and blurring his thoughts. It caused soft moans to escape him when JB swiped his tongue against the soft pallet of his mouth.

When Jaebum finally broke the kiss apart they both were breathing heavily. "How was that?" He asked. "It was nice." Youngjae whispered there tip of his ears turned red.

"Well if you need another kiss I'll gladly give you one." He winked. "But in the mean time I'm going to make a sandwich." And with that JB left the room.

"Make me one too!" Youngjae yelled still flustered from the kiss. What the younger didn't know was that JB was just as embarrassed.

I think I did okay with the kissing scene it was my first time trying to be detailed with that part.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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