Chapter 1: Remembering

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*1 month ago the 1st of June*
"Jess let's go we need to get to the junk yard while it's open!" Klay the werido/ buff/ cute boyfriend of mine said to me while I was walking out of the school. "I think I know that it's my plan to get there." I said laughing. Today was our last day at school. And by ours I mean me and him only. We had well eventful senior year. It all started when we meet. *flash back she's starting to rember*
"Jessbot! There you are where were you last night? You we're going to meet me and Preston at Chickfla last night for a meet up. We needed you help." Said my popular/demanding sister Pagie. I just woke up from a long night and she asked me this, gezz. "I was studying with Holly sorry." I lied and went to my room and got ready for school. *time skip* "Yo Holly!" I yelled at her as I see her walking to the school she turns around and waits for me. I run up to her, "wait I think you wanna see this with the artist!" I told her as we entered the school. "What are you talking abo- OH MY GOD!! Plz tell me you didn't do this." She said seeing the most powerful message in school written in spray paint over the main area in school. "Beautiful is it not! 'Colored hair and different music doesn't change me, I'm just an awesome fuck that is not afraid of anything or anyone!' Best saying ever right? Any way I just signed it with a fish they won't know it's me. Unless you tell." I look her straight in the eyes and she shakes her head. Attention all students in the theater now! Our principal was not happy at all but what ever. We all shuffled in the theater. As we we're going I notices I wasn't the only one that took credit. There was a star beside my fish. We all seat down and clipboards we're being passed around that had a police stamp on it. Shit the police is here. "Students this is not a big crime you will just get detention for a month. After school and at lunch you will be in the detention room. Police ask for all the students to sign the slip like you normaly would for a 'school drug search' so by singing means we can look in your lockers so all have to sign." Our principal Mr. Roberts rambled on. I looked down and signed the slip. 'Jessica Zen 🐟' and I gave it to Holly. The slip was all the way down the row when I realised what I did. But I was too late a teacher had it. After maybe 29 more minutes of talking we we're free to go to class. I was stopped by my first period teacher Mr.Van Rite, he told me to go to the office. I knew what happened. *time skip to detention* I'm the only one in this room after school Mr.Roberts let me eat lunch with my friends, I told him the star was someone else. I saw also the the star had words under it like a poem. My thoughts we're interupped by the opening of a door. "Klay Jones you sit down in the seat in the front. I have to go do football practices and find a replace meant for you!" Coach Davis, the detention teacher yelled at Klay as he slammed the door. "Hi I'm Klay yo-" "ya I know who you are you took my credit for my message like you helped me Mr. All that." I growled at him. He just stairs at me for a while. "What do you want." "Nothing just your the girl that sits in the back of the class and listens to music. There is no way you wrote something like that." "What a girl that her last boyfriend was in 8th grade, has scares cause of prom when I got tricked by people like you and y'all made me a chicken. Ya so a girl like me couldnt have possible written something like that!" "I'm sorry bout prom my ex Zoie came up with that plan I didn't want part of it." "How do I not believe you. Oh Ya cause you use to be my friend then you blew me off in middles school to go play hooki with a girl, some friend you we're." "Wait we we're friends. The only friend that was a girl was this girl I use to call Fish face." "Ya that was me sport star." I said that one nickname and he looked at with wide eyes. I roll my eyes and pull out my note book to draw when he hugged me. "Why at you hugging me I hate hugs!" I yelled at him and the pushed him off. "You use to love my hugs." "Ya no I don't like social interaction/ touching people." I said and looked away. I don't mean to sound mean and all but he lefted me all alone with no friends. To be completely honest I had a crush on him and still sorta do. "Well Jess I'm sorry to hear that. You use to run and hide after I hugged you or give a little smile. Now you yell at me and turn away. " "I'm sorry just my only true friend left me and basically forgot me." I said and feel a tear form. I grab my stuff and move up to the seats in the front. I put in my ear buds and go throw my note book that I had since 4th grade. It had little drawing that made me happy some made me sad tho. I passed some little drawing that Klay drew when we we're younger. He wrote his name under it but it was crappy. I drew and went over his name probably 100 times just in this on song. I looked over on my paper and noticed a hand placed something on my notebook. I took out my ear buds when I heard the door open. "Y'all are free to go now." Choach Davis said. I grabbed my things and ran out the door. Klay headed to the field and I went the same way cause I go to the stands and draw. When I got to the top I saw Klay was looking at me. His friends walked off and he started to come up the stands. I was opening my notebook to the page I was at before. It was a graded paper from 9th grade. What's is your biggest regret? My biggest regret is not tell my friend that I love her but now it's too late. "Hey Jess, can I sit?" Klay asked I didn't know he was up already. I saw that the page in my hand was a little tear stained and my notebook was too and some pages. I had must have cried a little. "Ya sure um why you give my this?" "I feel bad." "You feel bad so you gave me an paper from 9th grade! Thats real nice." I said and letter him. I saw him still up in the stands as I lefted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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