Chapter 13

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Callum's home began to rang.

"Who is that?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know there is just a number look." Callum replied handing me his phone.

"Are you going to answer it?" Diana said loudly.

"Yeah, I guess I should." Callum answered.

*** Callum's POV ***

" Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Callum it is James are you alone?" James says so quietly into the phone that I can only just about here him.

"No one second." I replied. Sarah and Diana were looking me.

'I'll be back in a minute" I said unsure if James wanted them to know I was talking to him.

*** In the kitchen ***

" Okay I am in the kitchen. Who's phone are you on?" I ask James.

"It is Lauren's" James said sounding very nervous.

"Who is Lauren?" I ask, I don't know if I want to hear this.

"The girl I am with. I didn't go to my Dads work I went to see her." James tells me.

"Are you cheating on Diana!?" I ask.

"Don't tell anyone please, especially Diana!" he literally shouts down the phone.

"You can't do this to her, she deserves better than this James" I say I sound like his bloody mother.

"I know and I am going to sort it just please don't say anything to Diana or Sarah" he asks me and I know he is desperate.

"I won't" I tell him.

"Promise me" he says I swear he doesn't trust me.

"I promise. We are at my house so are you still coming?" I ask him.

"Yeah I will I said I would. I will be there in about 20 minutes" he tells me.

'Okay and you better fix this mess" I tell him firmly.

"I will right I am going to go" he says to me before hanging up.

When I walk back into my bedroom Sarah and Diana are both staring at me.

"Well ... who was on the phone?" Sarah asks me.

"It was just work, asking if I'd come in but I said I'm busy."

"Oh okay" she says while I sit back down next to her.

"Oh James just texted me and said he is on his way" Diana said holding her phone up in the air.

"Good I thought he was never coming" I reply. I've got a feeling it's going to be a very long day!

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