Chapter 1

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"Annie." Shane said behind his grin, scooting closer to me on the couch. I slipped my papers into my textbook and slammed it closed. 

I got up, giving my mother's boyfriend an emotionless expression. "Only my Grandfather calls me Annie." I walked into my room, slamming the door shut behind me. I don't understand why he is still here. 

I threw myself onto my bed and grabbed my room phone off the holder. I dialed Camille's number. I turned over onto my stomach. Rolling one of my fingers through the curly phone cord. "Cam, did you do the algebra homework? Is Ashton with you?" I asked with a grin, since I could hear him in the background. 

"We're on a gas station run. I wanted candy and you know Ashton can't live without his Monster." She replied. 

"Want us to pick you up?" Ashton yelled and I gave a laughed and answered yes. Sure it was past midnight, and there was school tomorrow but its normal for us to run off to the nearest gas station or Wal-Mart for some type of junk food. 

"Just don't make too much noise. I'm gonna sneak out my window. Shane is here and he might invite himself again." I explained with my phone between my shoulder and ear, as I changed from my pajama pants to some jean shorts. 

"He likes you." 

"Ew, he's almost thirty." I replied. 

"So what he's hot, and he's closer to your age then your mother's anyways." 

"Then you can have him. I will never kiss a man that has kissed my mother. I see ya'll's headlights." I said and hung up. I pulled up my window and climbed down, bare foot. I crammed into the truck beside Cam who scooted closer to her cousin. 

"So to who's house are we heading?" I asked, Cam has this beauty to her that any girl would be jealous of. She is tall, tan and with raven hair to die for. 

"Ashton's." Cam answered and handed me a bag of Twizzlers. I slid down the seat, prepping my feet up on the dash. I threw my gum out the window then started chewing on the red stick. 

I quietly hoped that Andrew would be home. Andrew is Ashton's older brother, and he is so cute. 

Once we got there I jumped out and raced Cam to the trailer. The door was open, Ash's grandma was laying on the couch watching one of the crime TV shows. It wasn't Criminal Minds so it must have been one of the CSI shows. "Hey Gram!" I breathed. 

Cam ran up behind me then gave her gram a wave. "Want a soda?" She asked hanging one to Gram as she nodded. 

"Where's Andy?" I asked quietly, already walking out of the living room. 

"Try his room." Gram said and I nodded already walking to the boys' room.  

I leaned against the door jam, the door was missing. They must of broke their door again. Andy was laying on his bed flipping through a weapons magazine. "Hey." 

He glanced up, "Hey." 

"Cool." I sighed. 

"Yea." He said looking back to his magazine.

"We got some candy and sodas from the gas station if you want some." I said. 

"Thanks beauty queen." Andy said throwing the magazine on the bed. He got up and walked up to me. I scooted against the door to let him pass. He brushed me as he slid past. He has teased me since as long as I can remember. He thinks its hilarious that my mother forces me to do beauty pageants and that I actually win them. Most people that know me, know me with messy hair and jeans. 

I stood there a moment by myself trying to get over the tingling in my toes. Andy and Ashton are half brothers, resulting in them hardly looking a-like. Ashton is younger and already taller now, with light hair and hazel eyes. While Andy is brooding, dark hair and pale blue eyes. I use to compare the brothers to the sun and moon. 

I trailed into the kitchen, eyes scanning over Andy by the coffee table with Ash picking through the bags with one hand while the other held a soda bottle. He met my gaze and winked. I pulled myself onto the counter beside Cam. I let out a breath and she grinned at me. I respond by sticking my tongue out at her.

"What?" I asked, glaring at her. 

"Nothing." She said then giggled. 

I frown and looked to the boys and motioned for a drink by drinking from an invisible cup. Both moved to grabbed something, Ash getting to me first and giving me the Mountain Dew. 

"Why don't either of you serve me?" Cam pouted, while I grinned and looked to the boys waiting for an answer. 

"You don't have her smile." Andy responded easily. Cam rolled her eyes.

"I was going to say because she isn't our cousin." Ashton stated with a shrug, then he tried to sit on my while I groan and pushed him playfully before scooting backwards on the counter making room for him to lean into me. I placed my drink down and started playing with his hair. The others chatting as I zoned out.

Ashton is my closest friend, I knew him before Cam. He is everything I wish I could be. He is genuinely happy, and caring. I tugged at his hair, making a small braid then brushing it out with my fingers. His hair was starting to get the blonde highlights, a sign that summer is almost here. "You should enter the pageants with me. You would give me a run for my money." 

"I know you think my hair is unbelievable but it wouldn't win a trophy. I am quite certain judges don't find hairy six foot tall girls attractive." Ash responded easily. 

"When is your next pageant?" Cam asked. 

"Too soon. Its in-" I murmured the counting in my head, "18 days." 

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