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There it goes again my heart racing, hand sweating and the butterflies in my stomach it's mad I know I mean your just a person and I just can't help it. When you smile my heart melts for a time which seems like forever I smile like an idiot whenever I receive a text or call from you.

Can't you see that it's been me that has wanted to love all this time and treat you like a princess and make your world the best place to be, I have you many signs but when you didn't notice I just guess that I can't take a hint. Ok I get it you don't wanna know but I want you to know how I feel but without me telling you face to face but can it happen, will it happen, maybe just maybe it could.

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P.s this is all for the purpose of a new book I might be writing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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