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Name:Benjaman Moonsburrow


Nickname:Ben,Ben~kun,Ben the Guardian



Siblings(if any):Luna,Hay

Form(s):Solar and Lunar Guardian,Jury of Nine
Quote:What you allow is what will continue.
Soul song(theme song):


Was first born to the Queen of the Moon and King of the Sun.He spent his childhood on a different planet with his father's sister Molly.He went to Earth when he was 16 and met his first friend Aaron.He soon became a close friend,like brother,to Aaron and his wife Lily,along with his son.When Ben was 18 he left the village for a week to do a trading favor for Aaron.When he returned,he found everyone dead,except Aaron,who was missing.He moved back to his distant planet and returned to Earth when he was 21 to find his sisters.He helped them lead their village and soon fell in love with his girlfriend Eva.

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