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My heart was racing when his finger tips touched mine...

My palms sweating when his touched mine...

My body shakes as he comes in closer to me...

Then it happened...

He kissed me. He kissed me and made me feel like the only girl to walk the earth. My first kiss. My first ever kiss.

It was an amazing night. The sky filled with white clouds laying on the dark sky like a warm blanket. The stars coving every trace of that blanket bring out its special features. On the most amazing night of my life with the most amazing guy in my life...

But why? Why doesn't it feel real?
Why does it feel he's someone else?

He pulled away from the kiss. My first kiss. He looked at me with those big beautiful hazel eyes, and started to say "I don't love you Averii. I never did," as the smirk on his face turned into a smile and that smile turned into a laugh.

He laughed at me...

He looked me in my eyes and said 'I don't love you Averii'...

Why did I think he was the one?

Why did I think he could be there with me forever?

Then that was it.

Everything went...


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