Only More Sadness

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Rachael's POV:

"Ashley I don-" "Rachael please! You will be perfect I promise. I can't do it." he looks at the other side of the bunk with sad eyes. "Ok" I breathe out,"I'll play for you" "I love you so much" he pulls me down for a kiss but I refuse. "No no no I don't want to get sick! Night Purdy I love you" I say slipping out of the bunk. "I love you more" "oh hush you" I laugh a bit and head to my bunk. I start thinking how lucky I am. I have the best mom and dad anyone could ever ask for, and the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever wish for.


I got a call I never wanted to hear. It was about Lauren and it wasn't good. I can't tell Rachael she won't be able to handle it. I will tell her tomorrow after we get off stage. I'll cry myself to sleep for the first time in years.

*****Next Morning*****

Ashley's POV:

I woke up not feeling much better but I had to help Coma get ready. CC didnt look too good, upset about something. "Coma" I whisper. "hmh" "We need to get ready" I help her put on war paint like mine.I told the guys that she would play for me. And soon enough it was time.

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