chapter 8

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~1 week later 

I don't know why but I can't seem to get over our break up. He has been calling me all day but I can't find it in me to answer. I feel terrible but I can't just go out with him if he's gonna get that jealous and not listen to me. I have been sitting up in my room for the past week and can't find the strength to get up. All of a sudden my door opens and my mom comes in. "Why aren't you up Dominique?". I just turned around and groaned. she came and sat right next to me on my bed. "come on sweetie you can't spend your entire life moping about something in the past" she said softly striking my hair trying to comfort me. "I guess your right". I started getting up and went downstairs to get something to eat cause I'm hungry. when I was done eating I decided to go out for a walk. when I walked outside I saw someone at the park who looked kinda familiar. It was Noah! Noah was a guy at our school. He is one of the most popular boys in our school. I used to have a huge crush on him but then I figured I would never get him so I got over it. My friend Haley says he pretends to be nice and then completely ignores you at school. I don't think that's true but you never know what people are like now a days. I thought Ross was the one. I started walking towards the swings when I heard someone calling my name. it turned around to see Noah was running up to me. "H-Hey Dominique" he said trying to catch his breath. "Hey Noah". "what are you doing?" he asked. "just getting some fresh air" I replied. "cool, so I have been wanting to ask you something Dominique". what is it? I asked. " know the homecoming dance is coming up right?" he asked. "yeah" I said trying to figure out where he's going with this. well I was wondering if you would like to go with me? I was so shocked, so lost for words I couldn't even reply. he started looking kinda disappointed. "I would love to!" I exclaimed making his frown change to a smile. "really?". yes! "OK well then I will pick you up Friday at 8" he said and kissed me on the cheek and then left. I put my hand up to my cheek where he kissed me. I was so shocked. I can't believe that Noah actually asked me to the dance. out off all the girls in our school he asks me! I can't even speak right now. I was so excited I ran home went upstairs to my room and got out my phone to text faith.



d- you are never going to believe what happened to me! 

f- omg!! your actually talking and what happened 

d- lol yeah and Noah asked me to the dance 

f- omg!!!! the one who you've had a crush on since forever 

d- yes that one! 

f- omg!!! I'm soon excited I'm coming over 2 take you shopping! 

d- OK what time? 

just then I heard my doorbell ring. I went to answer that and the second I opened it faith tackled me in a hug. faith c-c-cant b-breath. "sorry" she said pulling back. "it's OK let's just get going" I said. I went upstairs and grabbed my purse. I ran back downstairs and me and faith headed out. when we got there we ran to some random store we saw that had amazing dresses. "here here try this on" faith said handing me a big pink dress. you know I hate pink faith! fine! she said taking it back. finally we found the perfect dress. it was a purple strapless dress. it was right on me and ended just above my knee. it had little ruffles on the top and was just really beautiful. it was the perfect dress. we got into her car and started driving home. do you want to stop at Starbucks? Stefanie suddenly asked. "sure" I replied. we stopped at a Starbucks and got out of the car to go in. but when I got in I saw something that made me want to run back and go home. I felt tears finding their way down my eyes. I just saw Ross and some girl there talking and I felt a little jealousy in me. Dominique? Ross said when he finally noticed I was here. I couldn't hold it in any longer, I ran outside crying. but before I could get any further someone grabbed my hand and turned me around. it was Ross. Dominique what's wrong? he asked. "n-nothing" I said hoping he would believe it. "I know somethings wrong" he said not believing me. I said nothings wrong! I yelled and pulled my hand away. I ran as fast as I could all the way home. when I got there my mom tried to ask what was wrong but I just passed her and ran up to my room. when I got to the top I slammed my door shut and started crying my eyes out. I heard my phone ringing but it was faith. I decided to answer it. 



f- where are you Dominique!!! 

d- sorry I just couldn't take it seeing Ross there 

f- oh OK I get it but are you OK? 

d- yeah I'm fine 

f- OK do you want me to come over? 

d- no I'm fine 

f- OK but I have your dress so I'm just gonna drop it off at your house and then I'll leave OK? 

d- OK 

f- OK well take care love you bye! 

d- k love you too bye! 

I decided to watch some TV. but just as I turned on the TV Austin and Ally came on. I groaned and turned it back off. soon my eyes started drooping and I was getting tired. 5 minutes later I fell asleep.

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