Chapter 1 -- Meeting

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Laurens P.O.V

Haltingly, I walked up the steps to the school and took a small pause and a sigh. Did I really have to come to this ass of a school? I have to flipin settle in again grr. And, THAT is what I tried explaining to my parents but, did they listen? NOOOO, THEY DIDN'T! Instead I got grounded for two weeks for not going by what they said! WHAT AN ACHEIVEMENT!? I then decided I'm not going to bother with this shit and turned on the steps and ran back down, and then just my luck some lady ran down the steps after me and ushered me towards the enterance. I bet my mother told her to keep and eye on me grr.

'Tell them to stop damn staring at me!'

'Whos staring at you?'

'Are you blind, nearly the entire damn school is!!.'

'Now young lady I will not tolerate this behaviour or your horrible language! Now go collect your new coming folder.'

I just looked at her and walked in the direction I thought was the reception boy was I wrong I found my self colliding with a hard but comforting chest, I looked up and saw, well I'm safe to say one of the guys on the schools football team judging by his lack of coordination or his football jacket. I decided to walk off because it was awkward just standing there, he didn't move so I did, as I walked off he shouted after me.

"Are you a new student here?"

I just rolled my eyes and walked off, what a stupid question this guy has not only got a shit sense of coordination but his stupid as well.

Next thing I know I see him walking right beside me.
" what the fuck do you want, you know when someone walks off there kind of indicating they want nothing else go do with you"
He ignored me being the jerk he is,
"need any help"


He chuckled again but I didnt understand what was funny, so I just shrugged and decided he aint helpful so I decided to walk off then

" Receptions that way" he pointed in the other direction I was walking in.

So I headed that way,
"Your going the wrong way, follow me"

So I followed his lead. After a a few corridors the reception came into view I walked towards it as I did I could feel his eyes burning holes at my back, I didn't take any notice shrugged and carried.
" A thankyou would be nice"
So I gave him the finger, I got my folder that included my schedule. Next thing I know I'm holding nothing but air he took my paper, rude.

"Hey we have most classes together except this period but ill walk you there"

Ugh! Lord what did I do to be stuck with this imbecile

"You sure about that because you did require my amazing assistance locating the reception"

I glared at him and reluctantly agreed into him walking me to class. Great I had english don't get me wrong I like english I'm just pissed off from the morning time to face the music I guess. I knocked and entered, the teacher was an elderly man i guess in he is mid 40's so I already knew i was going to find this lesson boring his name was Mr Walker.

"You must be lauren"

I bit back a harsh response and boy was it hard

" in the flesh"

"Ok well why dont you intorduce yourself to the ckass"

"Erm well I'm Lauren Connor, I'm originally born here but moved to England,and moved back here.Err......"

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