b) yoongi

45 5 3

June 28-

"WAKE UP YOU BUM!" my eomma yells at me as she kicks me off my bed.

"What the f-"

"You want me to wash your mouth with soap? You really need to stop listening to that rap music of yours! It's playing a bad influence on you and it's teaching you curse words." my eomma exclaims when she cuts me off.

I just stare at her with an emotionless face as I always do. She's always bashing on my fucking rap music. Doesn't she know that my dream is to either become a rapper or a basket ball player?

"For gods sake Min Yoongi," my mother starts up again,"it's 2:06 and you've been up since 3  last night!"

"Technically, it was morning time since it was 3 A.M." I say back emphasizing "A.M."

She pinches my cheek.

"Aigoo Min Yoongi. What am I going to do with you?" she says before walking out of my room.

I huff and I slam my body back onto my bed.

"YAH! YOU BETTER NOT BE SLEEPING AGAIN!" I head her scream from downstairs.

Too bad. I already had fallen asleep.


I wake back up at 4:36. I pick up my phone, and I received a text message.

Eomma: As always you didn't listen to me you stubborn boy! I went food shopping, so I won't be home in a while.

I don't respond back, but I let out a little chuckle. My eooma can be weird sometime. It's time for me to practice basketball, so I can try out for my high school's team next school year, and ace it.

I grab my bag, and my ball. Then, I barge out of the door.


I walk on the park's trail. I dribble the ball until I reached the court. There was nobody around except some girl sleeping on a bench that I passed by while dribbling the ball to the court. I wish I was sleeping right now, but I have no time. I. Must. Practice. Basketball. Because. Ball. Is. Life.

I start practicing as soon as I get there.

I shoot some practice hoops and I make them all in. Swag.

I dribble the ball swiftly underneath my legs. Swag.

I dodged the invisible person I was playing with. Swag.

Soon, I get tired, and I realize that I hadn't brought any water.

"Shit." I mumbled underneath my breath. I head over to my duffle bag, and I find ice cold water next to it with a note sticking to it. I stare at it with bewilderment. The fuck did this come from.

You're really good at basketball! I want you to have this water bottle. Keep practicing! Hwaiting!


I smile at the note. I gulp down the water. I felt pleased someone recognized my skills. It's like I had a fan. I want to have many fans when I become a basketball player or a rapper. I hope I can inspire (a/n: INSFIRE) people, and leave a mark in their lives. But... who gave me this note?



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With much love,
@-sugabear 💖✨

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