Chapter 3

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Black Hearts

Chapter 3

There was a constant annoying knock on his door but his mind wouldnt cooperate and wake up. More knocking...

Shane lifted his head off the hard desk, the blinding light shining into his office from the open window. He blinked quickly and tried to blink away the pain. He couldnt remember falling asleep in his office, just his all too personal talk with Marco in the holding area, seeing Marco touch himself over and over again.

More knocking..."What?!" Shane screamed at the door.

"Sir, you asked me to wake you when it was morning.." Dixon said hesitantly through the door.

Shane checked his watch and groaned, he had slept until after ten am and didnt mean to, now it was time to face Marco again...he wasnt sure if he could face him.

"Alright, dammit...gimme ten minutes."

Shane got up and his pants fell to his knees, an already dry white spot on the crotch of his jeans from his little play time last night. He groaned and grabbed the half empty water bottle on the desk and tried to rub out the stain but it didnt work so good. He stood and walked towards the locked door.

"Now hold on a damn second!!" Shane could hear Dixon yelling and a bunch of voices shouting back at him. He hurried and found a group of kids giving Dixon a hard time.

Shane whistled loudly, getting everyone to shut up and look his way.

"Dixon, the hell is goin on here?"

"Apparently these kids have an issue with us releasing Marco this morning."

Shane knew that Marco hadnt been released yet but he was curious as to why a bunch of what looked like high school and college kids were swarming his police station this early.

"You cant let him out!!" One of the kids yelled, obviously the speaker for this group.

"Oh, and why the hell cant i?" Shane barked and made the kid flinch a little, he smiled. Just kids tryin to get into man business. Which is something they needed to be around if Marco was apart of it.

"He is a drug dealer, cant let his ass back on the street!!"

Shane looked at Dixon who just shrugged, apparently he wasnt sure how to handle this either.

"We kid, i dont know anything about him being involved with drugs. If you must know, he drank too much last night and got to spend a night here, there is no reason not to let him out." Shane left out the part where he knew who marco really was, these kids would mess up the entire operation that was being set up.

The kid who spoke up rolled his eyes and muttered words under his breath.

stepped forward, so not in the mood for some high school bullshit like this, "well kid, since you seem to know bout you give me a name."

His confidence faltered just a little, "Bobby."

The name sounded familiar to him, he had heard talk in the streets about Marco, the name Bobby had come up once or twice, Leon did also. Shane narrowed his eyes at bobby, who just looked down.

"Well kid, unless he did something i wasnt aware of then he is getting out when i say he does, which is today. Now how about you and your little street gang get your asses back to school before i throw you lot in there also.."

Bobby looked back at his buddies and nodded once before hauling ass out of his building. Shane smiled and looked at Dixon who was also smirking, "looks like they might make it to today."

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