Chapter Two

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Fry snatched the older women's purse from her hands -- turning it upside down -- he emptied all of it contents out. Around 6pm, Fry started "His Job" He now had some all black Nike's on his feet, specialty of pay-less

He was now about to get paid.

"Please don't hurt me." Fry cut his eyes her way underneath the black stocking that hide his apperance. "Aye shut that shit up, I don't need you talking that soft shit to me." Fry told her this as he pulled a total of 315 bills from her wallet.

Fry slipped two visa debit cards from the wallet slots. Fry picked all her purses contents back up from off the ground while putting them back into her bag. He had even neatly placed her wallet back where it was.


She looked at him unsure before she reluctantly took her purse back from his hands.

Maybe if she looked a little better Fry would have left her alone, but since she wanted to be walking around, looking like all hell broke loose, He had to give her a reason to stay at home from now on.

She quickly walked off clutching her purse underneath her right arm.

If his "clients" had a cell phone he'd take the phone and break it in half, but she didn't have one, so he didn't have to worry about that this time.

Fry licked the back of his thumb counting the money again. It was a small stack, but it had helped him a lot. He didn't have to be out for much longer. All he needed was 215 more bills. Work was  breeze today.

Fry hid in an alley near by, waiting for another helpless women to pass him up

He was waiting for a good 25mintues before some girl with some long blonde weave came walking passed the alley. Fry grabbed her arm. He saw her open her mouth to scream. He immediately covered her mouth, putting his lips close to her ear and lower his voice to a deep growl in his chest.

"Lemme empty out the purse, or I swear I will fucking rape you."

Like a charm, she shakily nodded her head,handing him her purse. He thought about taking the purse too as he looked through it, it was in good condition. He could sell it because it was real leather. Fry handed her the most important things from her purse; insurance, license, social security card, and EBT food stamps, he put the purse on his shoulder.

"Go." Fry told her.

She didn't even hesitate as she walked off really fast. He was still 100 dollars short, but the purse was gonna come in handy with some nice cash though. Fry walked down the side walk, counting his money. The phone inside the purse started vibrating.

Fry dropped it to the sidewalk and landed his all blacks Nike's on top of it.

Fry got home and pull of his uniform from work and left out again to go pawn the leather purse. He could get a little money from the purse. It took Fry about 40 minutes to get to the pawn shop on foot. He had thought about stealing a car lately, but he had to plan it perfectly, so he didn't get caught.

The pawn shops-men looked up as the front door to the store jingle loudly.

Fry walked up to the counter tugging his pants up at both sides so they stayed around his waist. "What I can I get for this?" The guy behind the counter sized him up.  A look of disgust on his face as he eyed the purse, not touching it like he thought it was filthy. "90.00 dollars" Fry pushed the purse to him.

Money was money. Fry held his hand out taking the 90.00 bucks. He added it to his stack walking out the pawn shop.

Fry looked down at himself, his clothes were dirty, and he was kinda musty. He must of needed to take a shower because the pawn shop guy was looking at him like he just nasty. Fry slid the money under the landlords door when he got back to the apartments. He was short by 60 dollars, but it is what it is.

Fry walked straight the shower, and let the water rinsed him and his clothes off, he didn't have no soap, couldn't afford it.

Fry got out the shower after the water at the bottom of the tub got real brown. Fry stood in the living room letting himself dry till he got damp, he yawned as he walk to his room at sat on his worn down bed in his room and went right to sleep.

The emptiness of Fry's stomach woke him up hours later.

He knew he didn't have anything in the house to eat,but 2 bottles of water. Fry put his feet in his shoes and check the time. When he got hungry and he couldn't take it no more, he want to visit Quincy, but it was 2:00am, and Quincy lived 2 hours away, he was gonna have to walk there early in the day, before Quincy went to work,

Fry bent in a fetal position his stomach aching from hunger, he hadn't eaten properly in some days,Fry groaned as the sharp hunger pains made him double down in pain.

Fry stayed in the positon till 8am came, he ignored his growling stomach as he took the long walk to his brother's house.

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