Chapter 1-Why?

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A/N before I start this book I just want to make a comment that any of these characters in this book are irrelevant to anybody they're just fictional characters. I hope you like It whoever's reading this.

I can do this.
I can do this, I keep repeating to myself.
I finally get the courage to walk through the gates that hold my future, do I dare to go in.

I start walking inwards, I proceed to go deeper into the  entanglement of doors and stars.I eventually reach the office where one kid is off his fucking head already.

Do I really want to go to college?

Then I see her, leaning over the counter her beautiful blonde hair flowing over her abrupt shoulders.

I'm stuck in aw at the beauty who's name I don't even know she turns and catches me staring at her.

I can feel my face starting to burn red.

What am I meant to do now she's caught me out!Then with such ease she smiles at me and the whole room lights up.

I try to look away but I'm captivated by her sheer beauty.
She then walks straight past me, the essence of strawberry scented deodorant wafts into my face.

I murmur that's why I'm going here.

I walk to the counter and register for the first time at 'Oakwood College'


I then navigate around the dorms which seemed like a labyrinth of twisting corridors until I find my room number '364' which is inscribed on a brass rectangle. I pull out my key and shove it in the door and open it.

There sitting on one of the beds in the room was my new flat mate. I quickly put out my hand and he does the same we shake hands "I'm Marshall-lee and you are?" I ask.

"I'm Flynn." He replies.

I look around the small unit that I will be calling home for the next couple of years. The walls are a pastel yellow and the roof is just plain white with a few mold spots hear and there. I drop my bags on the ground and sit on my bed. My ass sink into the mattress like quick sand, I immediately get up.

"That's why I chose this bed," Flynn mutters.

"Um that's okay I have another coming it's just in the moving ban that will probably get here tomorrow, so I guess I'll have to withstand one night in the quick sand," I say politely

I start to unpack my bag, it's mainly just full of books and little momentous that my family have gave me to remember them by while I'm at college.

I then put fresh sheets on my bed and then I realise a white splotch on the mattress "Fucking Jesus Christ!!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I quickly flip the whole mattress over to avoid the splotch. I continue  to make my bed ready for tonight. 


I get out of bed and get dressed new day, new room, new me. I walk out the door and shut it quietly as to not wake Flynn up from his snow white slumber.

I finally work my way back out of the dormitories and start to walk around campus just trying to pass the time while the delivery truck gets here and I get the rest of my stuff.

It's to early for the truck to get here and I'm starving I retrieve the car keys out of my satchel that hangs around my neck. I proceed to exit and find my car so I can go gets some breakfast and a coffee. I click the button on the car keys and see my little volts wagon mini jump into life and flash it's lights.

I start heading to the nearest Starbucks and order a large mocha frappé then walk across the road to a pancake house. My phone rings I look down and its the delivery truck they've been waiting for me or so they say.

Back to campus.
I make it back just to unpack all my furniture and my spare mattress (thank God, I'm never going to sleep on splotchy the mattress). The delivery guys help me get my stuff to the door of my room. "Flynn, get up!!" I yell through the door.

"What the fuck, Marshall?" Muffled  Flynn

The door eventually swings open to a rather pissed off Flynn. "Move out of the doorway and help me move this stuff into our room," I don't even wait for his response as I pick up one end of my mattress...


We eventually fit all my stuff into the room just on twelve o'clock. "Hey Flynn, you wanna go for lunch? My shout for helping me with the furniture and..." Before I could finish Flynn was out the door and waiting to go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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