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I feel the warm early morning breeze flood through my body. The sounds of waves crahing remind be of thunder. My toes squelch in the sand making squeaky noises as i walk. Water flowing up and down the shore leaving bits of seweed strewn all over the place. The golden haze that is set out infront of me makes me want to run free, forgetting about the world. As i run my heart pounds 100 miles per hour leaving me breathless. I suddenly stop, knowing this is the perfect spot. The one place where i can let go of all my worries and endulge myself in the water. 

One step. The water splashes around me legs leaving them chilled with sand sprinkled across them like snowflakes. Two steps. The water is now at knee height making me want to walk further out into the deep sea. Three steps. The water is now at my thighs leaving only the top half of my body to feel the sensation of the ocean. I dive. The smell of sea salt runs through my lungs, i feel seaweed under my stomach. Everything has blacked out. No sound, No worries and Nothing to disturb my bubble of serenity. I come up gasping for a breath, feeling seaweed in my hair and sand all over my body. I just float in the water embracing its beauty and waiting. I don't know what i am waiting for... Maybe just a climate change, some fish to swim around me or even just someone to swim up to me and say hi. But nothing happens. Just the sun shinig, kids playing and me listening to my own breath go up and down in timing with the waves. 

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