the end of the long wait

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yuyas pov

i can't believe it. i thought as i sat on the bathroom floor in the exact same position as i was when he left. yuto why do things always become so fucked up for me. why. why. why. come on a little voice whispered. get up please go find your future husband who you will fuck constantly. okay that is weird my mind has gone haywire. shit i really am mad. but you gotta do what you preach or think. whatever now is not the time to be fighting eternal struggles i have to find my boy.

third pov

yuya sakaki ran through the halls of his highschool looking for the old eggplant. /haha get it eggplant from first chapter hint hint. i'll shut up now/ as he looked and looked through the huge halls of the high school he forgot one place he always saw yuto during lunch. the cherry blossom trees behind the school. but he kept looking he checked everywhere and i mean everywhere and still couldn't find him. then he thought history class, by now it was lunch and it would be empty or atem our new teacher will be there and i can ask him. so off he ran to the history class.

yuto pov

what the hell. why could he do this to me i mean i knew he probably didn't like me but now i'm sure. and my heart seemed to split in two and he got the better half of it. while i'm left with the empty shattered side. when i started to hear footsteps. i was hoping it to be yuyas but when i turned around it was. yugo? i haven't seen him all day i wonder whats up, so i push off my sadness to help yugo cause he wasn't looking his brightest. " hey banana" i said knowing he would get made at me. " hey" he said which caught me completely off guard. he usually gets so made when i call him that. "are you okay cause you seem a bit off" i said not trying to anger him or anything."no everything is not alright" he said furiously grabbing his helmet off his head and throwing it to the ground and slumping down next to me. "whats wrong?" i asked not even caring about my own problems anymore." the person i like i can't confess to and i wanna kill him for making me feel this way cause i can't control my anger around him. its just so. frustrating damn it." he said with this heartbreaking tone "yuri right" i asked and he nodded." you know i heard he likes straight forward so just go for it go up to him and kiss him" i said then realizing wait i should have just done that all along. " okay, thanks yuto your the best." " your welcome" i said happy even with myself. and went to find my yuya

yuya pov

i ran as soon as i found the history class, cause their was some pretty dirty shit if i may say so. and i started thinking. where would yuto be. he wouldn't leave the school, but he wouldn't be in it either. i got it i said out loud and got a few strange looks from other students but i don't care i kept running and running, until i stopped infront of the cherry blossom tree and snuck a peek to the other side and they're stood yuto with yugo they were talking but i couldn't here at one point though yugo ran off an yugo was getting up and i thought this is my chance and said "yuto wait" and yuto looked utterly shocked as i dropped as i did a flip mid air and landed right in front of him. thank god for gymnastics class." y-y-yuya" he said in disbelieve. i didn't respond i just took his tie in my and and yanked him down and kissed him ruffly. and when i pulled away he still held that disbelief look, and from then on i knew he was my eggplant. wait eggplant the person from the letter. " are you the guy from the letter?" " yeah what did you think of it" " it was amazing" i said then pulled him by his hair and we went back to making out underneath the cherry blossom till night fall.

announcement people! this is not the end to the story, i may or may not add a lemon of them in another chapter i'm just not an experienced enough writer therefore do not feel comfortable yet writing it yet. i am doing a yuri x yugo chapter next once again no lemon so i might do a lemon for them later. i hope you enjoyed and now another shipping besides this one is suitableness please. thank you 

p.s. i got to 813 words!! on a roll sister! also thank you to shyannada141 for giving me this wonderful idea and yuya_pendulum for commenting and reading. a speacial thanks to everyone who has ever read this. Goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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