Ali's Demise

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Hey guys um I hope you like my short story please comment and review and enjoy!!

Ali sat on her bed curled up in a ball. Tear filled tissues covered her floor. Ali cried and cried. She was so lonely and depressed. Was she not ment to be happy? She missed him so much and she couldnt take the pain. Of the breakup, of her depression, but there was nothing she could do about it, there never is. Ali sat up and grabbed her phone. She took a breathe to try and sound ok and then put the phone to her ear. "Hello?" "Hey's Alison." "Hey what's wrong?" "Nothing...nothing I'm fine." "Ali I know you, your not fine!" Ali burst into tears. "I am so tired, physically tired of life, of being lonely and ugly and depressed..." There was a long silence besides Ali's crying. "Alison you're a very pretty, smart..." "Kalib none of that obviously matters to him!" "Ali he is obviously a jerk and really blind for not seeing how amazing you are!" Ali didn't belive that. She had a big crush on Kalib and if that was true he would of asked her out, right? Ali took a deep breath and replied "I was so happy with him...I love him and..." Ali continued crying. "Ali please, I am so sorry." "Kalib I gotta go..." Ali said sobbing. "Ali please don't do anything stu..." Ali hung up. She felt mean, but she had...she really couldn't think of an exscuse. Ali sat up in her bed and prayed. "Please me forget, help me get through this. I need you so much right now." Ali layed her head in her hands with tear filled eyes. Ali threw open her nightstand and pulled out her pack of cigerettes. She then looked under her bed and pulled out her bottle of whiskey. She lit up a cigerette and took a big gulp of Jack Daniels. Her mascara had ran down her face, her messy bun was falling apart, she could care less. To Ali if he didnt care about her neither did she. She practically chugged the bottle and threw it to the floor. She lay there thinking about him. She missed him, needed him, but he obviously didnt feel the same way. Ali was tired, physically and emoitionally tired. She couldnt take rejection anymore. Up to Ninth grade she had been bullied. She got bad grades all through highschool basically because she didnt care. Her childhood really kinda sucked. Then things seemed like they could be fixed a little. She met Dale. She was so happy!! He took away her depression when she was with him. They laughed and kissed alot.  Then they started fighting and Ali continued her drinking. And now she was here. Ali put out her cigerette on her bed post. She didnt care anymore. She stumbled to the fridge which was full of Whiskey. She grabed a bottle and made her way to the living room. She turned on the radio and Ali froze. Of course on the radio was their song. Ali sunk to her knee's and put that bottle to her lips. Ali didn't want to think anymore, she didn't wanna even breathe anymore. She was done. Ali had started drinking around five, it was now nine and her fridge was almost empty. She was lying on her back on the living room floor, empty bottles around her. She began shaking rapidly. She could hear her phone ringing. She tried to get up and stumbled, hitting her head off the coffee table. She laid there, her head bleeding, cold  body shaking. Ali was ready. She was done. She was ready to be with her father. She slowly closed her eyes. All of a sudden someone knocked on her door. "Ali it's up please!" There was a long silence like on the phone. Kalib broke open the door. "Ali!?" He called. He looked to his right and there she was. "Oh my god Ali no!" Kalib ran over to her and put her head in his lap. "Ali please wake up...Ali." When they took her to the hospital Kalib stayed there all night. A nurse told him to go home, but he refused. When she woke up he would be there. The next morning the doctor told her family and Kalib they couldnt do anything more. Her mom fell to the ground crying. Kalib just sat there. This could not be happening. He had just talked to her last night and now she was gone. Things moved along so slow. Kalib obviously went to the funeral, it was open casket. Ali looked so peaceful. He almost felt like this is what she wanted.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2013 ⏰

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