Chapter one~potions and paragraphs

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"Which infers that the animals are to do with the uprising"
"You know it would be easier if we cursed the bitch?" Lilith HoneyField whispered to me "yeaahh but it'd come off worse for us" I replied taking down notes as mrs. Bree droned on about the hidden messages in 'Animal Farm' a book about some revolution  in Russia made into one big metaphor (and my skirt flew up jfc can i walk home and write in peace please wind l thanks))
"Fair point" she groaned copying down my notes "can't we just~"
"lili no" I said sternly

15 more minuets of note taking and such and the bell rang for first break, everyone stood up and left the classroom and filed into the already crowded corridor I latched onto Lilith and she pulled me through the tidal wave of bustling students. Soon as we escaped onto the school grounds we parted ways with a "see you next period" she went into the hub which was the lunch hall to sit with our friend group, a rowdy group of year 9s all part of the LGBT+ community, and I went to the year 11s who were sat outside on benches under a huge umbrella sort of thing that was held up by three metal poles and had a sort of un-penetrable fabric over the top to stop rain and bird crap from getting onto them.

I threw my bag onto the concrete  floor and sat down on it. For about 10 minuets we all talked and laughed then I saw him, the guy I've been interested in for weeks about 6'3, dark brown hair that covered his face, ice blue eyes and a jawline that could cut like glass. "What's his name?" I whispered to one of my closest friends Brandy , he was short, cutely chubby and just adorable!
"Ohhhh" he squeaked "That's mr tall dark and mysterious also know as Bass Raventhorn"
"That's so fucking goth"
"His name isnt actually Bass but it's his nickname"
"He's hot"
"Yes he is"
I watched him flip his hair out of his face with the same expression he always had; blank.

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