Untitled Part: The Story

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The Frog That Hopped too High

In the midst of the Bayou in New Orleans there was a family of frogs that could hop extremely high, all except for one......Frogger. Frogger couldn't really hop as high as all of the other tadpoles in the Bayou, and he proved it because every time he and his friends would hop across the Lilly pads in the pond, Frogger had always fell into the water and was humiliated in front of almost all of the tadpoles in the Bayou. Embarrassed of his inabilities to hop as far as everyone else, and furious for being laughed at, Frogger devised a plan. Frogger was going to create a slingshot aiming towards the constellations that hung above the Bayou every night. His plan was to hop as high as he could twice, to trigger his slingshot. Then the slingshot will accelerate Frogger towards the sky where everyone could see. Then they would know never to laugh at Frogger again. But, there was one flaw to his plan. What he didn't know was that in the Bayou, birds and other things that flew too high above the Troposphere, never came back, then after a few days the animal's silhouette would appear as a constellation in the sky. Naive of all of the trouble he was about to get into, Frogger gathered all of the animals in the Bayou to see his magnificent jump. As Frogger prepared to launch, an old toad approached him in a brown cloak and warned him about flying too high and becoming a constellation; sadly Frogger didn't listen to the old toad's wise words and shortly after "ohhs," and "ahhs" in animal noises erupted from the crowd. Frogger had done it. He had launched and everyone was watching. Shortly after, Frogger noticed that that the old toad was correct, he had noticed that his croak and body was fading away. Frogger knew that he was going to be a constellation. Trying to sink back down into the Troposphere Frogger disappeared and three days after, all of the animals in the Bayou saw Frogger's constellation shining bright in the night sky. How the constellation looked so much like Frogger, people named the constellation, "Frogger."

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