Chapter 2 - Senerio 1

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Spiritomb crawled forward, you continued to sleep without any knowledge of what is going on. The blue skinned male's tongue slipped out, running along his expose sharp teeth. A while ago, Spiritomb  had ran away due to something happening to him. There was this virus that had been going around, effecting other pokemon by random, its origins was unknown. Spiritomb was a family pokemon pet, first founded by your great grandmother. So now here he was, back with you without you knowing, due to you being asleep. You were tired from posting missing posters of your precious pokemon, so you taken a break by resting under the park tree. You've been there for at least a few hours, Spiritomb hummed in his throat as his face was nearly inches away from yours. 

"______," The male whispered your name, you only flinched a little, but stayed asleep. Spiritomb's hand trailing up your thigh to under your muscle shirt, his touch was cold against your warm flesh. You shivered, the coldness you felt caused you to awaken. Your eyes quickly shot open,

"AAHHH!" You screamed as you sit up, accidentally knocking your head against the male above you, the blue haired male quickly sat up holding his head, you reflecting his actions.

"Ow!" You glared at the male before you, him doing the same. Your cheeks than flustered with red, looking away and closing your eyes. You didn't like to see naked people, but you couldn't out right say that due to your dad being a nudest. It just freaked you out, like how do they do that with a free mind? And how do they not feel self conscious? And one of your main question; Do they were clothes outside when it's winter time? Or do they just freeze their ass off? Shaking your head, trying to get rid of those thoughts.

"You didn't have to hit me when you woke up!" Growled out the man,

"It's a natural reaction! I don't have control over it!" You shot back with a (E/C) glare, but quickly cover them with your hands when you had realized what you did, you heard Spiritomb mumble under his breath. You weren't paying attention due to you moving your hand around in the air, trying to find your bookbag. The blue haired male lightly snickered, your actions amusing him like they usually do. Sighing to himself,

"_______, you look stupid doing that, stop embarrassing yourself." Spiritomb said as he picked up the bag you were blindly looking for, once you felt its weight in your hand and one that didn't belong to you upon your clothed back. Your eyes shot open, turning to face the strange person as you moved away, causing his hand to fall to his side.

"How do you know me?" A shadow covered your eyes, the same ones that were trying not to look down below the belly button. You never liked people that you never met that some how knew your name, but you didn't know them. You always took this as a form of a threat,

"You a stalker or something?" You slung the bag over your shoulder, straps going to their well known places.

"No, no!" Spiritomb waved his blue hands infront of him, but stopped with a confused face.

"You don't remember me?" He spoke in a soft tone, a brow rose up as you cocked your head to the side a little.

"Um no... You don't look familiar.. I'm going home, GOOD. BYE." You then walked passed the male, hitting your shoulder against his by accident. The former pokemon turned around in your direction,

"IT'S ME SPIRITOMB! LOVEABLE FAMILY PET!" The male cringed at the word, never liked to be called a... Pet.

"Could've fooled me." You said as you waved your hand in a bye way, the blue skinned male growled, he quickly walked after you, until he was at your side.

"What abou-" Spiritomb cut himself off mid sentence, he didn't know how to word it. Nibbling on his tongue, no lips or cheek flesh to bite on.

"Could you please stop following me!" You growled out, pushing the man away from you. He stumbled back from the force, Spiritomb's brow furrowed into a 'V'. Then an idea had popped into his head, the bluenette than came onto you, you struggled with the person. After a while, you were able push him away. You froze in your spot, within Spiritomb's hand was an old pokeball, very old, it wasn't the same like the ones that were the modern kind.

"He-Heeeyy, why don't you set that down and gently roll that over to me." You took a step forward and he took one back, his purple eyes glaring, but not in an bad way.

"You will see that I AM Spiritomb!  BELOVED COMPANION AND LOYAL.. FRIEND!" Another cringe from the pokemon, tapping himself with the ball. Turning into a red light, it was than absorbed. Quickly running over, you landed on your belly. Catching the pokeball, you sat up, rubbing your hurt belly as you looked at the ball. There was a flaw with these old kinds, it would capture other pokemon, even when it is already being used. It would already have kicked out the non-captured pokemon. Shakingly standing to your feet, the old pokeball in hand as you examined it. so far this so calmed Spiritomb hadn't been kicked out, you were bewildered, questions flowing through your head. Your grip tighten,  brow furrowing. This mystery will be figured out!

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