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We were all having a party in the back yard when someone screamed so I turned off the music and ran to her

“what happened?” she was panting hard but she said the one thing that had my blood running cold

“hunters” I controlled my breathing and shook her shoulders to get her attention

“where? Where did you see them?” she started crying and my worst nightmare came true

“by the lake, they killed them, they killed them both” I started shaking

“who did they kill?” she stopped crying enough to say three words that had me falling to my knees

“billy and ricky”


 When I woke up I was laying in my bed and was surrounded by all my guys, sam, and luke

“what happened?” I felt like crying but hugged both ricky and billy

 “I really cant loose you guys” they hugged me back

“we’re not going anywhere babe” I sat back and hugged my knees

“we had a party and you guys we’re killed by hunters” amos sat next to me

 “is that what you saw?” I nodded my head and started crying while I felt ricky and billy both hug me

“nothing is going to happen to us, we’re to bad ass for that” I started laughing

“promise me you guys wont go anywhere without telling me and if we have a party you wont go in the woods” they both smiled

 “we promise” we went down stairs and I was practicing my drawing while the guys cooked me something to eat. I took my toast and eggs and sat on the balcony with my pad

“what are you drawing?” I slightly turned and smiled at luke

“a new his and her tattoo” he sat down next to me and was looking over my shoulder as I finished up the drawing. I pulled it away from me and looked at my art it was two wolves howling at a full moon with a black design on one side. He smiled and nodded his head

“I think I want a tattoo like that” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow

“really? Mr. goody good wants a tattoo?” he opened his mouth and then closed it, he did it a couple of times and he really looked like a fish out of water

“aw did the cat get your tongue” I couldn’t help the smirk on my face as he glared at me

“no I just cant believe you of all people called me a goody good” I gave him my best ‘are you serious’ look before I called shawn out with us.

“ok shawn were trying to figure who is the best goody good” shawn started laughing

 “sorry eva but you completely lost that role a long time ago” I turned to luke who still wasn’t believing it so I sighed

“how many fight have you been in?” he thought for a moment

 “3” shawn laughed

“damn really? Eva here had been in well over 100 fights” luke looked shocked

“are you serious?” I nodded my head

“yup and they were all started by them. The first to hit is the first to hit the ground” after proving that im a bad ass and luke is a nun compared to me we went inside and everybody sat around the tv watching a scary movie, until around 10pm when I decided to go to bed which had luke going too. We both got ready and climbed into bed, I was almost asleep when I heard luke whispering

“are you still awake?” I grumbled but turned so I was facing him

“yes, what’s up?” he wrapped his arm around my waist

“I want to take you on a official date tomorrow if you want?” I could see that he thought I would say no, so I kissed him

“of course I will, as long as its not at a restaurant” he smiled and kissed me with so much passion

“anything for you my dear” with that I slowly drifted off to sleep. When I woke up it was already around 1pm and my bed was empty, so I walked down stairs where the guys were

 “hey, where’s luke?” they glanced at me then pointed to the back door

“he said for you to follow the flowers” I was confused but stepped outback and sure enough there was a trail of white and red rose petals. I followed the trail which led me to the little lake in the middle of the trees in an opening that not many knew about but I couldn’t help the smile that found a way to my face

 “wow” he smiled sheepishly at me

“I hope you like it” I hugged him as close as possible

“I love it luke” he had a picnic set up surrounded by candles since the trees blocked away all the light, it was actually really romantic. After we finished eating we just laid down cuddling each other listening to music

“eva can I tell you something?” I sat up and looked at him but his face showed nothing

“of course you can” he looked nervous at first

“promise you wont laugh?” I nodded my head and he sighed

 “I think im falling in love with you” I was completely speechless every time I tried to say something my mind would go blank but luke took it the wrong way

“forget I said anything, ok?” I shook my head and straddled his lap smiling

“luke I was just surprised. I would say that I think im falling in love with you too but then I would be lying because I already fell for you when I decided to give you a chance. Im just afraid to let you in or anybody in because if I do and I get hurt I don’t know what I would do” he sat up and pulled me into a long and passionate kiss

“I would never hurt you again and risk losing you for a second time” we stayed there for the rest of the day until it was around 1am so we headed inside to sleep. The next couple of days were amazing, me and luke got even closer and spent all our time together and sometimes amy would join us but lately she’s been with elder pam. Its now a Friday and everybody decided on a party which has me on edge since that vision. I knew something bad was going to happen but I couldn’t place it

“eva? Hello eva, are you there?” I shook away my thoughts and looked up at luke

“yea, why?” he started laughing but helped me off the floor

 “because you’ve been staring off into space and ignoring everything I said for the past 20 minutes” I looked at him with wide eyes

“really that long?” he nodded as we went upstairs to get ready for this party. I was about to get in the shower when I forgot a towel so I ran down the stairs but stopped outside of the kitchen door when I heard a girl laugh

“lukey baby, why are you still with her?” I heard luke chuckle

“because she’s an easy lay” I had to restrain zelta from getting out or letting out her growls

“but I heard you in the woods and you said you were falling for her, is it true?” he laughed

“hell no, she’s still that ugly ass geek from back then just hotter and if I said I loved her then she would fall for it, so don’t worry because you’re the only one for me” I looked through the door just as he pulled kelly into a sloppy disgusting kiss. I walked up stairs into my room and started pacing. So Mr. alpha, you think you’re the best and you won at this little game, think again because as in the words of taylor swift ‘there aint nuthin I do better then revenge’

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