1. cheap thrills

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"To the kind attention of passengers, train. No . 54768 RD super fast express is about to leave from platform number two," a women's voice rang through the speakers.
About time Rhea thought as she settled in her seat. no. 71, a side lower window seat.  She had left for the station two hours early, beacuse the traffic of Hyderabad is unpredictable. You could start a couple of hours early but still miss the train.

But today wasn't one of those days. Every traffic signal was in her favor. The roads were almost empty, considering it wasn't the
weekend and people tried their best to avoid the scorching sun.

2 cups of coffee, a comic book and a million glances at the watch later, the station speakers finally roared with the announcement she had been longing to hear.

She plugged in her earphones and blasted the song cheap thrills on them. Her bag was safely tucked below the seat. A water bottle occupied the pouch by the side. Rhea was all set for her five hour journey.

As the train gained speed, a smile crept onto her face. It was an amazing feeling finally being able to travel alone. It was scary and exciting at the same time.

A sleeper class train ticket bought with her own money. Her dad was besides himself when he realized she was going to travel alone, that too in a sleeper class.  Well she could have opted for the Ac compartment too, but an extra thousand rupees wasn't exactly budget friendly.

"You could have told me. I would have booked you a proper travel means and accommodation. How can I send you alone now?" her dad exclaimed. But Rhea decided it was high time she paid for herself and explore the world on her own. And would a planned adventure get your adrenaline as much as an unplanned one?

Cheap thrills she mumbled and grinned as her hair danced with the wind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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