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i know i haven't progressed more on The Children of Adam and Eve...but i was told to start a horror story...and i kind of really like it!!! tell me what you think so far!!! read, comment, like, love vote!:))





Her breath came out in wheezes as she stumbled down the dirt path of the cemetery. It was Halloween night; what a cliche for her to be in a cemetery in the dark of night. In her opinion, it may have been the worst cliche yet. But, however cliche it was, it did nit change the fact of the matter; she was being hunted down. Faster she ran, until she hit her limits, and being a runner she knew her limits were far beyond anyone else's. The dark of the night was pressing in on her, making it harder to breath. Her lungs were on fire as she ran harder than ever before, running towards darkness instead of away from it and into the safety of the small PO dunk town she lived in. Her town wasn't much protection, but it still kept her in the veil of society, and even if no one was roaming, there was always a barn party or night owl just randomly up. But wishing would get her nowhere now as she continued to run through the cemetery, closer and closer to the nearby forest. It loomed over her, calling her into its branchy hideaway as she pushed herself even more. Sweat poured down her forehead and ran into her eyes, making them burn with the contact of salty water. Only now had she begun to realize how thankful she should be about that dorky 80's headband she wore for the running season; it at least kept the sweat from her eyes. Continually she wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, the forest grew closer and closer until it was just in front of her. Finally she broke through the brush of small shrubbery that bordered the entire forest. She ran a couple hundred more feet into the forest, and then dared to peek over her shoulder and quickly observe her surroundings. At the moment nothing seemed to be there, but she knew that this being a forest, anything could be hiding. At that unnerving thought, she continued her trek through the woods until she felt safe enough to stop for a moment, knowing she had only a moment. She near collapsed to the ground when she stopped, not realizing exactly how much energy she had just exerted. Catching herself on one of the many trees, she hauled herself up to a sort of lean-stand position. The purity of the silence was broken by the snap of a stick sounding from behind her, and without a thought, she clambered up the tree to the highest point that she could reach without snapping the branches and plummeting to the ground.

"You can't run forever, oh dear sweet Lilah."

Eyes of piercing red shone through the thick of the branches as she froze, blood turning to ice in her veins. The voice was a deep baritone, and scratchy as if from screaming for vast amounts of time. The sound of it reverberated through her and shook her all the way to the bone. The words had not been spoken loudly, but they had such an effect as if they had been. The eyes continued to bore into her, searing through her mind and soul, making it hard to even think straight.

"Oh my little gem, come to mama."

Mama? She questioned in her mind. Mama. Her mama was dead; she had not heard the word 'Mama' spoken in quite some time. After the tragedy of her mothers death, the word 'Mama' had been outlawed, tabooed, never spoken again. But this creatures words continued to burn their way through her mind, releasing distant, repressed memories of her mother:

"Come to mama, my dear sweet Lilah. Mama has a surprise for you." As the golden haired angel swept little Lilah off of her feet, and from out of thin air, produced a small, intricate china doll nearly as beautiful as her mama. A smile spread across little Lilah's face as mama's kisses rained on her'...

"Come to mama, my dear sweet Lilah..."

The scratchy voice of the creature was the last sound that she heard before darkness closed around her mind, and she fell into a long, deep and dreamless state of unconsciousness.


Hope you guys enjoyed it. comment opinions and tell me whether or not I should continue!!!:) thanks my lovelies!! Read, comment, like, love, vote!!!



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