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I reach over to turn off my alarm clock. I lay my head back down on the pillow as I stare at the ceiling. I quickly glance back at my alarm clock, 7:30. Oh no I'm gonna be late. I quickly jump out of bed. But as I sprinted for my closet I had realized that I had forgotten to plan my outfit the night before. So I quickly throw on a t-shirt, my blue jeans and my lint covered dance hoodie. When I step outside I feel the cold breeze slap me in the face. I wait for the bus in the cold wind. Finally the bus arrives at my bus stop. But as I get in the bus, almost all of the seats are filled up, so I end up having to sit right in the front right behind the bus driver where nobody wants to sit.
     After about  fifteen minutes we arrive at the school. I sit there in awe at how big the school is, definitely bigger that the one I used to go to. I get off the bus and start walking towards the school. And since I wasn't paying attention I ran right into somebody and fell on the ground and scuffed up my hands. As I got up and brushed my self off, the girl turned around and gave me what I like to call the death stare, then walked away. "Man what's up that girls butt". So when I finally got to the office they gave me a sheet of paper with all my classes on it and the time for each class, my locker number and lock combination. So I put my stuff into my locker and grab my stuff for my first class, science.
I walk into the classroom and scan the room. I quickly grab seat and quietly wait for the teacher. Then this girl comes and sits by me and starts talking. "Your new here". "Yes". Then she starts asking me more personal questions. "So where you from". "Salem,Oregon". "Did you like all of the ghost and witch stuff". "Sort of, I mean it was cool how all of that stuff happened but I wasn't really into it much". "Hmmm...". Well welcome to California your gonna love it here. There is so much to do".

I hate middle schoolWhere stories live. Discover now