January 9,2017

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Hello. My name is Alexander Storm. If I had any friends they would call me Xander or Alex, but I don't so moving on. I'm a 17-year-old midget standing at 5'2. I am an average looking guy. Brown hair, big blue eyes, and slim build- you get the picture. And, of course, to top it all off-I'm gay.

Yup. I'm a homosexual. A boy that likes boys.

I'm really not out about it but then again, I'm not in the closet either. The sperm donor and my mother know and so do a couple other people at school. You see I don't get bullied as bad as other characters, but I do get pushed around some.

Now enough of that. Back to the story.

I left my house at the usual time today, exactly 5 am, about an hour before the sperm donor gets up and 3 hours before school starts.

I plugged my headphones into my phone and began walking the block to school.

I know some of you may be asking: "Why is he getting up so early if he lives so close to school?"

Well to avoid the sperm donor of course. Duh. Keep up guys.

I get to Charlotte high, home of the vicious Devil Rays and commence my morning routine. Since this is the first day back at school freshmen are swarming to get good seats for their orientation.

Meanwhile us seniors (the few geeks that are crazy enough to come early) are lounging around the halls.

I bob and weave through the mini sea of early birds and head towards the back of the school to the football field. I squat behind the bleachers and begin operation Ethan-4.

Ethan Carmichael is the best player on our school's football team and the best quarterback in our state. I realized I had a crush on him in middle school and began "observing" (stalking is such a strong word) him at the beginning of ninth grade.

This year is no different. From my lookout point I can see him directing the new hopefuls in the morning tryout routines.

He looked so scrumptious with sweat dripping down his skin.

His black hair, green eyes and drool-worthy body completed this walking cliche of a man. I must have been staring at him for hours, as usual, because the loud sound of a whistle blowing shook me out of my Ethan filled fantasy. I gathered my bag and rushed back into the school.

On my way to trigonometry I slammed into a rock hard chest and just about broke my ass when I hit the floor.

Hearing laughter, I peeked up and groaned internally. I pulled myself up and stumbled to my feet in front of Ethan and his gang of beef heads and skanks, aka footballers and cheerleaders.

"Watch where you're going freak." He spat with enough venom to challenge a cobra.

"Takes one to know one bitch." I didn't stick around to hear his reply before I was sprinting to class.

Picture of Alex----------------------->

Picture of Alex----------------------->

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Author Note:

This story is in the modern world so I want to see which genius wants to be politically correct like how they did for "His Royal Whore." It was all made up!!! So don't ask why cotton candy was back then or why he's speaking Spanish in Troy.

Oh by the way if you have no idea what I'm talking about go read my last book "His Royal Whore."


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