~One~ Escape

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Take it from me. A survivor. Hell isn't the greatest place to be in. If you're mortal it's easier. Easier to not feel, easier to learn to forget. If you're immortal it's more difficult but not impossible. You tend o remember things clearer than mortals. You tend to hold on.

Angels on the other hand. Angels get the worst of it. Angels belong in the clouds above not in the ground below. Castiel, Gabriel, Samandriel. All angels under Hell's captivity. Torture beyond imagine because of their loyalty to God and his creations. Human life.

There have been a surprising number of angels who fall to serve hell. To seemingly serve their brother, Lucifer. They couldn't be more wrong. Lucifer hates hell just as much as everyone else. It's not his kingdom, it's his cage.

He doesn't want to see his brothers and sisters here. Tortured. He wants them to be safe. He doesn't want them to feel pain. Only those who've done him wrong.

Chuck. He made me to be a guardian. To protect all. Place of origin is no matter in my eyes. Your choices in life mean nothing to me. All that matters is the side of God. If you're against him. You're against his greatest creations, that includes me. That includes the archangels. It includes God's wrath.

Day one: Escaping

"They've been gone too long, Naomi!"

"They're of no matter to us, Angel!"

"I must protect them, I must find them!"

"You will do no such thing! You will stand at the gates! Forget about them server, you obey me!"

"I obey God! I obey our father! Not you!"

"Silence! You will stand your post. Do you understand?!"

"I will do what I have been told."

"Good" she left without another word. Naomi and the others believe I am lesser to them, unequal. That I was made to be a slave to all angels, doubtless me being one myself.

There are a select few who see me as equal, or better. Some who it is to be expected from, others not so much. Samandriel, kind one he is. Visits regularly to chat and catch me up on important angel topics. Castiel begs for me to claim a name. To use my freedom. I deny him, sadly, for I have a job that will never be finished. A job that requires all my will. All my being.

Gabriel, the archangel, one of Gods favorites. He lets me in on his secrets, his pranks. After he left heaven he kept in contact with me. Begging I come and stay with him. Begging for me to leave a place that hates me so much. I denied him too. Told him that our father gave me a job and I plan on doing it. He surprisingly understood. He let me alone. Then he 'died' during the 'apocalypse'.

I mourned him greatly. Standing at the gates guarding all as crystal tears streamed down my face. I heard Gabriel's prayer to me on angel radio.

"Hey angel. Not dead. Miss ya. Have you chosen a name. I think you should call yourself Blake. I met a Blake after my 'death'. He was a nice fella. Too bad he died. Anyways. I've been back up with the old games again. Playing tricks. Wish you were playing tricks with me. We'd be unstoppable. 'Blake and Gabriel. The Tricksters'. How's that sound angel. Maybe next time, Okidoki. Well Till Next Time, Gabriel."

That was the last I heard from him. I was happy he was alive. Glad he thought of a decent name for me. I wasn't planning on using this name for myself. Chuck never gave me a name and I do not plan on going against his wishes.

These angels have been my only decent company within the last millennia. Always caring, always searching for my happiness. My happiness is here, doing what I have always done. Protecting, guarding.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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