Chapter 1: the letter

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Chapter 1: The letter

Ivy's POV.

"Crucio!" Yelled John I screamed in pain. It felt as if a thousand white hot knives were making there way through my body, he stopped I breathed in short gasps. "Crucio!" He screamed again, I arched my back and shrieked in pain, he stopped, I gasped again clutching my chest. "Next time, don't steal food." He growled and kicked me in the ribs. I'm pretty sure I heard one snap. He climbed down the attic stairs leaving me spitting out blood on the dirty floor of the tiny attic. I sighed and picked myself up, I gasped In pain as I sat up.

I took a deep breath, in pain. I should be used to it by now, he does it at least twice a month, typichally once with magic, once without. I laid back down on the floor and slept, falling into a familiar dream.

I saw the face of a beautiful woman, she had bright red hair, and ocean blue eyes, she had perfectly tanned skin. And she held me in her warm safe embrace, a bright smile lighting her face. But that was soon replaced by fear as men in skull masks coming, one pointed a stick at her and a bright green light flew from it, It hit her and she screamed and fell to the ground. Not getting up.

Soon another man's face came over mine. He pointed his wand at me, said the same words and the same green light flew from it, and I awoke in a cold sweat.

Today was my 13th birthday, thirteen years of being beaten and cursed by John.

I heard John coming up the stairs, I sat up pushing my filthy blonde hair from my face. He came up holding half a loaf of bread. He saw me and growled, honestly, some times he growls so much he seems like an animal. He certainly acts like it.

I held out my hand for the bread, "Can I have it?" I asked, sweetly. his nostrils flared, and he slapped me, "Don't be rude," he spat in my face I tasted blood and spit it at his face. He stumbled backwards, "Gah! little witch!" He kicked me in the face and I fell backwards. He laughed like a maniac, and threw the bread at the ground, before walking away.

I crawled over to the bread and ate it hungrily. A tear rolled down my face leaving a streak on my dirty face. I was so hungry. Why, why were my parents gone. Why didn't my dad come to help me and mom?! Why did he just leave us!? Why didn't he save my mom!? We could have been happy! Instead, he was gone, my mother was dead, and I was beaten by some psycho. I grasped my silver locket, it was in a heart shape and was decorated with intricate swirls and leaves with a diamond placed in the center on the front. I opened it,

Ivy Black

August 3

That was all, no I love you, no it will be ok, nothing. I closed my eyes, and I saw my moms face again, she said "I love you, remember that." I opened my eyes again and swallowed my bitterness, that was the only thing that kept me going, she loved me. I could not be mad. It had been a few more hours. Suddenly, I heard a tapping at my small window.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked over, I saw a big brown owl, I pushed the window open, and he dropped a letter into my hand, I smiled and scratched his head, he cooed and flew back out the window. I looked over the letter, It said

Ivy Black

The house of Dagger

The Attic.

I pulled it open and in neat handwriting saw,

Dear Miss Black

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here also is a list of the school items you will require this semmester.

Minerva Mcgonnigal.

there was also a folded piece of parchment below the letter. I stared at it stunned, me, a witch. I laughed to myself, that was Johns favorite nickname for me.

If I was a witch, then those people with wands in my dream, must have been wizards, evil wizards. And my mum and dad, they were magic too. And John was clearly a wizard to, a horrible wizard. I heard John come back up the stairs, he saw me, saw the letter. He stomped over to me, and held out his hand, "give it to me." He growled, I held it to my chest, and he punched me, I fell to the floor, he snatched the letter. His beady black eyes scoured over it.

I smirked at him standing up, "Guess what Johnny, I am a witch, witch means (hehe witch witch...) I am leaving." He smirked back at me, "you think you can just leave? You pathetic waste of space. You don't have a wand, you can't fight me, and you don't have a mommy to come rescue you." He spat at me.

That's when I lost it.


I was going to end it here, but I figured its to short. so I am going to keep going.

-Kat ^•^


Part 2: I lose control (dun dun DUUUUUUn)

Ivy's POV.

My vision narrowed, I was filled with pure fury. I levitated into the air, "I can't fight you?!" I screamed, my thin white dress whipping around me. I spread out my arms and the stupid attic where I had been tortured and starved for so long, exploded. His eyes widened in shock in fear as the walls around him blew up, he held out his wand, I waved my hand and his wand flew from his hand.

" I, am leaving! and never coming back, I can't BELIVE I am not doing anything to you, you deserve death, you are a horrible man with no heart or soul, but as much as I hate you, I can't, I'm not you." I yelled at him, I heard a difference in my voice, and my eyes tingled. Fear filled his face, and I dropped down to the ground and ran into the forest.


K, I think that's long enough, right? sooooooo, do ya like it? Dedicated to TahliaLuvsllamas because she inspired this book, UR AWESOME!!!!!!





Peace, love, and ADORABLE PUPPIES!!! and to celebrate my first chappie, RAINBOW UNICORNS FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

-Kat ^•^

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