A Study in Pink

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Hello, readers!

So, the following is a BBC's Sherlock fan-fiction, but before you begin reading, I just wanted to let you know that I wrote it in front of my telly, watching the show.  It is heavily plagiarized, which will change as the episodes go along and Leanna becomes more independent.  I wanted to keep the story true to the original, without distorting it too much; however, with the addition of a new character, it gives the story we love a new perspective and a fresh opinion on ideas which were already established.

Hope you enjoy~ Jordan 

     She ducked her head and pulled her coat more tightly about her- not that she needed it, though. It was neither cold nor raining, but rather it was the large crowds and busy streets full of cars and lights and honking that prompted her to shield herself. She'd never been a sociable person and large amounts of people put her off. One of the many reasons why she'd only been to London a handful of times in her life.

     But now she walked the new and unfamiliar streets, alone, with nothing but Google maps to lead her and a raincoat to protect her. She finally met her destination- a three story building which was renting out flats. She knocked with a crooked doorknocker, straightening it as she did so.

     "Just a moment!" It was the muffled voice of a woman, coming from well inside. She stood in the sidewalk in wait, until she heard the banging of shoes coming down a flight of stairs and getting louder. The door opened, revealing a petite older woman with short dirty blond hair which she wore in curls. She appeared to be nice enough.

     "Leanna, dear, welcome!" She pulled her into an embrace, "It's been ages since I've seen you- and look at you!" She pulled back, holding her at arm's length and examining her, "Not such a little girl any more. Do come in! Your things just arrived this morning- I put them back in the spare room. Well, don't just stand there- you'll catch a cold!"

     She led her in. The inside was dated, and a little worn around the edges, but suitable; Leanna had never been the picky type. Actually, it held a sort of charm, in its own way, she decided upon further inspection.

     "I've just got a couple upstairs- they'll be looking to rent the flat on the second floor. I'll only be a tic. Make yourself at home- you're room is just behind the kitchen. You can start unpacking, if you'd like. Or feel free to put on the kettle."

     "Thank you, Mrs. Hudson."  She said quietly, politely.

     "Oh, it's not a problem, dear. And you can call me Martha. Or even auntie, if it would suit you."

     If there was one thing Leanna could say about her aunt, she was definitely enthusiastic. She began climbing the steep set of stairs and, out of curiosity or maybe lack of anything better to do, Leanna followed, using the wooden banister to pull herself along. She reached the second floor landing and located the room which Mrs. Hudson had entered, its door left ajar. She stood in the entrance, not wishing to be a bother. Mrs. Hudson was inside, along with two other men.

     One was rather short in height, with a round face and light hair which he kept at a close cut. He also carried a cane and walked with a bit of a limp, she noticed. The other was tall and thin, which a mop of black curls and cold, blue eyes over his sharp cheekbones. He was dressed in all dark clothing- a suit which was covered by a long, tweed overcoat and a rather decorative scarf, also sporting a pair of gloves in black leather. Leanna folded her hands in front of her, comfortable to observe.

     "Sherlock... the mess you've made!" Mrs. Hudson remarked, not without a hint of scorn. Leanna smirked.

     "I looked you up on the internet last night." The man with the cane said as he eased himself into an armchair by the fireplace.

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