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well it went i guess. i met a girl and i was not a complete fool. we ended up becoming friends. i at least think we did. the only thing was three weeks later Mara left. she was just gone. It has been two months and i am not used to the new master training me. I won't see her again untill.......

Micha crossed out that word. was it u-n-t-i-l or did it have two ls? Micha sighed, he could not spell to save his life. if a Jedi had him by the throat and  told him to spell stormtrooper he would probably die. he could not do it. his big accomplishment was learning how to spell light saber. Saber was literally like the worst word to spell ever. well besides trooper.

"Hey Mich!"

"Don't call me Mich." the other padawan shrugged 

"Jas and i are going to the sparing room wanna come?"

"No, thanks."

"Okay. see ya."

Micha sighed again and Jason and Jesuit were always sparing.

"Those two are crazy aren't they." someone said.

Micha's hand shot to his light saber.

"chill, dude." the other padawan said flopping onto his bunk.

"you new?" Micha popped over the ledge. 


"You been through initiation?"


Micha smiled "then you might want to stay awake tonight."


hey hey it's Taylor Tray I am currently writing Michas point of view and it is kinda hard because i am a girl so if you have any suggestions comment or message us.

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