Chapter Three -

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Chapter Three –

 Saturday came rolling by way too quickly for my comfort, and I found myself growing nervous and fidgety throughout the day at work. Adrian noticed my jumpy persona, but didn’t make any comment on it.

“Have you got the list of all the names with you?” He asked as I was leaving the office. I nodded and held up the folded pieces of paper that had the names of business owners from around the world printed on it. “And I have your favourite pen with me in case you lose it. Don’t forget to pick up your shoes from the man down the road from here. He’s probably done polishing them by now. You’re wearing the black pair. Have you decided who your +1 is going to be yet?” I asked, getting out my small notebook in advanced to write down her name.

“Yes. I’m taking a girl named Adrianna Coleman. If any press ask you about her, you say she’s just a friend and that I don’t like my association with other females published – to respect their privacy of course.” He smirked. “She’s amazing in bed.”

I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes at his last comment before putting the  notebook and pen back into my bag. “Is there anything else you’d like before I go?” I asked curiously as I briefly glanced at the screen of my phone to check the time.

“I’ve given Rita your address so she can work on your hair as soon as you get to your apartment. Just… relax, okay? You shouldn’t receive much attention at the event, but if you do, I’ll make sure to steer the conversation in a different direction.” He reassured me, rubbing my back in a soothing motion.

I blushed at the gesture and at the fact that he knew why my behaviour was the way it was throughout the day before clearing my throat. “Thank you.” I murmured. “I’ll see you soon.” I gave him a small smile, before heading home.


“Are you Emily?” A blonde piped up, peering down at me as I ascended the stairs that lead to the door of my apartment.

I smiled as I reached the last step. “Yes, you must be…Rita? Hello, thank you so much for coming. I’m sorry if I’m taking from your personal time.” I frowned, remembering that it was past 6PM.

She waved me off. “Nonsense! I love what I do, and I’m especially going to love working on your hair! It’s really healthy for blonde! What do you do to it?” She asked curiously as she watched my hand twist the key and unlock my apartment door.

I laughed, blushing slightly. “Uh… Shampoo and conditioner?” I asked unsurely, my blush deepening.

She laughed and pinched my cheeks. “You’re too cute! Well then, I’m going to love having your hair to work with! Let’s get started, Adrian told me you needed to be at the office by 7:45PM and it’s almost 6:30!” She frowned, squinting at her watch.

I let out a squeak of surprise. “Already? Um, would you like anything to drink? I just want to have a quick shower before I go. Or not… if you can’t do my hair when it’s wet?” I questioned curiously, biting my lip.

Rita raised an eyebrow at me and put a hand on her hip. “Honey; I’m the best of the best. If you were bold, I’d still make your hair work. I’ll just have a cold cup of water. Do you mind if I set my things up in your room?”

“Of course not! Be my guest.” I grinned, before going into the kitchen and pouring a cup of water and dropping a few ice cubes before following Rita to my room, where she had already began putting her products onto my vanity. I placed the cup of water in front of her, before blindly grabbing a pair of underwear and going in for my shower.

“Okay, sit down, we need to get started right away!” Rita gushed as soon as re-entered my room from the shower, ushering me over to the chair in my room and forcing me to sit in it by pushing my body down by my shoulders. I barely got to say a word before I felt a copious amount of crème of some sort being lathered onto my slightly damp hair, before the loud whoosh of the blow dryer muted any conversation that could have arisen.

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