Ace/Wolf's Theme

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Reason: Wolf was always one for the color black, she was always expected to be a very beautiful, popular and Preppy person. Life didn't go out like her mother's dream daughter, you see Wolf's mom got into a car crash and almost died. She ended up going into the hospital, this caused Wolf to go into a sort of depression. Many kids picked on Wolf about her mom and how she was "Fat" but in reality she was normal sized. One night her mother came home from the hospital and one of Wolf's friends were over, well her mom passed out and she had a really low pulse. Wolf's friend Kirsten called the ambulance and Wolf's dad found out and beat up Kirsten, Wolf comes downstairs to this and tries to fight her dad in which she was thrown into a corner of the fireplace. And because of this, a corner broke off into her eye. She went to the hospital and her father was arrested, Wolf's siblings David and Alice decided to try to take care of the family. Wolf went crazy because of the experience of her father beating her and Kirsten up so when she went home she locked herself up in her room, fearing that she'd hurt her family. Soon her father gets realised from prison and he gets therapy.. Well while this was happening, Wolf's mom died in the hospital and Wolf's dad then resolved to alcohol and it got worse. One night Wolf's dad tried to kill Wolf, Wolf grabbed the Desert Eagle .50 from the mantle on the shelf that she was thrown into and she shot her father right between the eyes. Wolf felt so guilty and ran away, she made sure that she brought plenty of ammo and another Desert Eagle .50. Wolf now believes that the only color is black, grey, and white, she doesn't believe in color after the events that happened to her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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