Chapter 2

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Juvia's POV...

Before i go to school, i put bandages on my wounds and wore a black jacket with hood. I put on my hood then get my bag and put it on me. I whined a little when i felt a little pain but i just brushed it off. I locked the door and gate and headed out to the school.

When i was walking in the hallway, everybody that i passed by is looking at me weirdly.

"She's so weird. Why would she wear a jacket even if it's hot?"

"She's creepy."

"She's looks stupid wearing a jacket in this kind of hot weather."

They keep on whispering to each other but i just brushed it off. I don't care. I just don't want to be pitied here. I entered the noisy classroom of ours. They didn't bother to look at me and that's a good thing. They won't notice my outfit. I sit down on my chair and stared out of the window. Why do people always treat me like a sh*t? I didn't do anything to them...maybe they just like to get my attention...i sighed from the thought. After a few minutes, Ms. Ares comes in to our class and started discussing.

"Polybrominated byphenil means any of several compounds that is similar to polychlorinated byphenils in environmental toxicity and in structure but that have various hydrogen atoms replaced by bromine rather than chlorine..."

"So, any questions----" Ms. Ares was cut off when the door opened revealing a certain man.

"I'm sorry i'm late." He said.

"Oh, Mr. Fullbuster, you are late again in my class. But your coach told me so, you may sit down." Ms. Ares said.

Oh so that raven haired man's surname is Fullbuster. I know he's the one that i almost attack if only i didn't run away. He looked at me so i looked away. Maybe he's mad at me. Of course. Who wouldn't? I just listened to our professor's discussions.

After the class, i packed up my things and actually, i'm all alone here again in the classroom. After packing up my things, i headed out of the classroom. I was walking in the hallway when suddenly, someone trows a bucket of water on me. The bucket hit my head then i'm all wet. I felt a little dizzy when the bucket hit my head. They all laughed at me. I was humiliated. And i touched my head then i looked at my hand. There was blood. Everybody was calling names on me and some are laughing. I didn't take the humiliation anymore. I cried then run away from them until i reach the rooftop. I get in the rooftop then closed the door. I cried and cried then it started raining hard.

"Why do i always feel this kind of pain over and over again?! Why can't i be happy just once in my life?! Why can't you just ignore me?! I'm tired in this miserable life!" I cried and fall on my wounded knees.

I didn't mind the pain. This pain is just a little piece of pain i feel everyday. It rained hard. Rain is always there whenever i'm upset or crying. The rain cries with me. The rain makes me feel that i'm all alone. That nobody loves me...

"JC!!!!!" I said as i jumped in the water to get him.

"Juvia! Help! *cough* i can't *cough* take this *cough* any longer!!" He shouted.

"Just wait for me please just hang on! I'm almost there!" I said as i swim to get near him...

Then suddenly, he collapsed. He was now down the sea. The deeper i tried to get to him the deeper his distance from me. It was so deep that i can't take it anymore. I watched him as he goes deeper and darker in the water...i cried...

I remembered the past again. That incident that made my life miserable. My younger brother drowned because of me. My parents hated me and abandoned me to my grandma then my grandma let me live alone. I cried harder and the rain falls harder too.

"Why do i always feel pain?....can't this just go away?....i can't take this anymore...." I said then everything went black.

When i wake up, i was in the clinic, laying on the bed. I sit down and i feel the pain again in my head. It hurts and i feel like my vision is spinning. I touched my forehead then i felt that there's a bandage on. Then the door opened, revealing the doctor...

"Hey Ms. Lockser. How's your feeling?" He asked.

"Uh...i'm fine...can i go home now?" I asked and also lied.

"If you're feeling well now, then you can go. Just take care of yourself okay? Don't let your head hit again okay?" The doctor said so i nodded then he smiled. Then he goes out.

Actually, i feel dizzy right now but i need to get out of this clinic. I need to go home. I managed to stand up but i stumbled that i almost fall but thank God there's a wall that caught me. I walked out of the clinic and get my bag. It's already 8:30 p.m. and i go home...


Hey, thanks for reading! :-)
Sorry for the wrong grammars.


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