All Saved, but Two Salvations

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God's salvation for ALL does not conflict with freedom of the will and liberty of choice. All will be saved from condemnation-either now or during the next Age.

" the Savior of all men, specially of those that believe" (1 Timothy 4:10).

Those saved now from Adamic condemnation through faith justification are called to a heavenly salvation. They need to overcome the world, the flesh and Satan, and "work out [their] own salvation with fear and trembling" (Philippians 2:12).

"If we suffer [with Christ], we shall also reign with him" (2 Timothy 2:12).

Salvation will be offered to the rest of the world during Christ's Kingdom. Their success will depend upon complying with the laws of Christ's Kingdom. The speed of their progress will depend on two things:
(1) The handicaps of character from one's previous life, and
(2) Their degree of love for the King, his laws and righteousness.

Many who were noble unbelievers will make rapid progress. In both the Christian Age and the Millennial Age, any enlightened who "draw back" will be in danger of "destruction" (Hebrews 10:38, 39). With all the benefits of the Kingdom, those who refuse to reform

"shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is [represents] the second death" (Revelation 21:8).

"Fire" is a symbol of destruction. Thus the "ransom for all" applies to every human being. All are condemned in the first Adam, (1 Corinthians 15:45,47) but all who accept the second Adam, Jesus, receive life.

"By the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation ... by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life" (Romans 5:18).

The prophet Jeremiah said, "In those days, they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge, but every one [who dies] shall die for his own iniquity" (Jeremiah 31:29,30). Adam ate the "sour grape" of sin and brought misery upon all his children. In the Restitution Kingdom Day, Adam's children will no longer die for Adam's sin. Each person will be responsible for his own eternal destiny.

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