Chapter 3

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Yes! I'm done packing my stuffs and now time to take a shower. I smell like fish, ewww yuck! I ran to the bathroom, closed the door behind and turn on the shower. That blonde guy lately, He was tall, like duh, Chrissy, your height is only 5 foot and 1 inch, of course his tall . I slap myself, why am I thinking about him? I turn off the shower and hop out. I walk to my bed where I placed my clothes that I will wear.

After I'm done dressing and putting make up on, I walk to the living room  and call Dan because they should be here

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After I'm done dressing and putting make up on, I walk to the living room  and call Dan because they should be here. It's 6 already and they still not here

Ring Ring

"Hey Chris, What's Up?" Dan greeted

" Where are you guys? I thought you'll pick up my stuffs? It's 6 already" I said 

"We're on our way up, we just put our stuffs in the van because we can't carry all our stuff once" 

"Okay, Okay" I said

" Did you watched the fault in our stars?" 

"The fault in what?" what? 

"Oh nothing, Bye" Thanks for hunging up 

I sat on the couch waiting for Dan and Will, can they move a little faster and be here already? I open my phone and go to twitter.

'ChrissyCostanza: Waiting for Dan and Will. Moving to another hotel. http:ldndkfndnw2rnkd'  and tweet!

"Hey Chris, We're here!" The burst through the door make me jump a bit

"My stuffs are in the bedroom" I said 

"Okay" I grab my purse and I see Dan and Will holding my suitcase and some bags. I'm outside the room waiting for them, when they got out I close the door and follow them behind. 

"So the boys are waiting for us in the hotel and they are excited to to meet us" Will said 

"Okay, Okay" I just said 

"Are you sure you didn't watch the Fault in our stars" Dan said

"No, Why would I watch that if I don't know that?" I simply said


"Well yeah and Will, are you sure you're not gay?" I said with a smirk

"Why because I cried?, Well no is the answer" I just nod and  chuckled

We walk outside the hotel and see that the van is outside waiting. Dan and Will place my stuff in the van and they hop in. I was to turn around when Dan called me.

"aren't you going in?" 

"Nah, I got my Viper with me remember?" I said

"Oh yeah sorry I forgot and can I come? I wanna try to ride that amazing car of yours and you don't know where we going so?" Dan said wiggling his eyebrows 

"Ugh, fine" I said as I turn around and walk to the parking lot and unlocked the car. I hear footsteps hehind me so I turn around and see Dan and Will. I look at them raising my one eyebrow.

"Well, I'm not going to miss this opportunity to ride in your beautiful car too so, I want to come too" Will said grinning at me.

"But it's only have two seats" I said

"No worries, Dan and I can share" 

"if you can fits yourselves" I said then climb to the driver's seat while Dan and Will trying to fit themselves and after 20 mins they finally fit, not totally fit. 

"So where hotel?" I asked

"London Marriott Hotel" Dan said 

I looked at them and they look at me. An evil smirk spread across my face

"Chrissy? What are you thinking? I feel like it's not good" Will said looking at Dan and gulp

"Oh Nothing just fasten your seatbelt and were on" I said 

"No no no, Chrissy NOO-AHHH!!" They shout when I drive the car fast, laughing at them because they are hugging each other in fear. 


The Black Rose ◆ Niall Horan ◆ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now